Tuesday, July 13, 2010

40 Week Belly Picture!

I didn't think I'd be taking this picture but here it is! This will definitely be the last belly picture!

40 Weeks and Counting!

Well we are officially past our due date! I really didn't think I would make it to my due date. I was sure Carli was going to be early. Oh well here we are. When I look back and think though the time really has flown. Back in November when I found out I was pregnant this day seemed so far away.

I went to the doctor last week and I was still 1cm but 80% effaced. They wanted to do an ultrasound to check on the size of the baby because I was measuring 42 weeks. The doctor said for me to have an 8lb baby would just be huge for as small as I am. So I went back for an ultrasound and she was 7lbs 13oz on Wednesday, which puts her in the 62nd percentile. I waited to see a doctor to see what they thought. It's hard flipping between the two doctors because I feel like they both have different opinions but this doctor said that people have 8 and 9 lb babies all the time so it was nothing to worry about. She said it just told them that if I went into labor and things were progressing and then suddenly stopped for no reason it would indicate to the doctor's that the baby was to big for me.

I was hoping all week I would have the baby but I made it to my appointment today still pregnant. They really don't like to let you go more than a week past your due date anymore so we talked about being induced. She said it was ultimately up to me, we were definitely in the safety zone at this point. It puts me at a slighty higher risk for a c-section being induced but so does waiting and letting the baby continue to get bigger. At this point she is easily over 8 lbs. So after lots of stressing over it, Caleb and I decided we should just schedule to be induced on Friday. So unless she decides to come before then I'll be having a baby on Friday. I feel like letting things happen naturally just has to be better, so I'm really hoping she does but we'll see.

As much as I don't want to have to be induced, I do see why people like it. It is convenient. It takes the stress out of it all. I can clean up the house the night before then I can plan to get up in time to have breakfast, shower, load up the car, etc. It kind of eliminates the hectic rushing around and panic of labor. We decided to drop the dogs off at doggie camp for the few days we are in the hospital so no one has to worry about watching them for us, so we will even have time to drop them off Friday morning.

Sunday we ended up getting free tickets to see Toby Keith from one of Caleb's co-workers. So we decided even with it one day before my due date we just couldn't pass up free Toby tickets. I bet I had 10 people ask me when I was due while we were walking around (usually making trips to the bathroom) and it was pretty funny to see everyone's reaction when you answer "tomorrow." Some people thought I was joking, some thought I was crazy, some thought I was brave and one guy said "you know you are setting her up to be a redneck don't ya?" It was a lot of walking and I was pooped by the time we got home but we did have fun.

It is nice to see the light at the end of the tunnel now that we have a date scheduled though. It's getting really hard to do things (bending over is next to impossible) and I am so achy all of the time. My back is really hurting and I have so much pressure from the weight of this belly. Technically I'm bigger than anyone my size should ever get measuring 42 weeks. Well worst case I'm only going to be pregnant for 2 more days so I guess I'm going to try to relax and just see what happens. Either she will come on her own or I'll meet her Friday!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

39 Weeks!

Well I have made it to the last week! I wasn't sure I was going to but here we are...I'M STILL PREGNANT! I went to the doctor last Tuesday and I was 1cm dialated and 50% effaced. The doctor said well looks like we might see you over the holiday weekend. So of course I expected to go into labor by today. I almost wish she hadn't made that comment because I'm so anxious to have this baby it was a big disappointment and very frustrating each day that I didn't. Now I kind of feel like I might just be pregnant forever. But they won't let me go more than a week past my due date so I guess regardless the end is near!

It was a very long week. I have had excruciating back pain, lots of cramping and pulling of my uterus muscles and horrible heartburn that has made it difficult to get a good nights sleep. I'm still not sure if I've had any contractions, I'm assuming if I don't think I have then I probably haven't. I also made it until this week that I've had some little stretch marks start popping up. I am hoping to have Carli before she does to much damage in that department :) But I do consider myself very lucky to have even made it this far without them.

It's a little strange, I really feel like I'm just a ticking time bomb. I was under the impression that most women (somewhere in the 85% range) have to have their water broken at the hospital. I asked my mom this week and found out that's how her labor started. So now I'm afraid I could be out in public somewhere and have this big mess and cause a scene. Every time I call someone now they think I might be in labor. I keep testing my dad, he's horrible at keeping his cell phone on him and I want to make sure he doesn't miss the big event!

I'm so ready to have her now that I feel like I could do anything and everything it takes to have this baby. But I told Caleb he should probably ask me that question again once I'm actually in labor and I might change my tune real quick. As each day goes by the better an epidural sounds though. I do horrible with pain, hospitals, etc. so my birth plan is to have no plan. I think we just play it by ear and see what I can handle. I don't want to go in with unrealistic expectations and be disappointed or get too focused on my plan that I can't adapt.

This week we are supposed to hit 100 degrees several days so with Caleb working outside he is really hoping I go into labor so he can start his time off. He is taking two weeks off to spend with me and the baby. I think we are so lucky he is able to do that. It will be great to have his help and for him to be able to bond with Carli as well.

I'm officially handing off my work this afternoon and will be on maternity leave! This will be a big weight off my shoulders. I have plenty of other odds and ends I'd like to get done this week if Carli decides to make us wait a little longer.

Well I am off to the doctor, so we will see how things are looking today. I'm hoping for any progress over last week.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

38 Week Belly Picture

38 Weeks! We are so close!

Officially less than 2 weeks until my due date now. We are so close but I'm starting to feel like I'm going to be pregnant forever. Which is completely the wrong attitude because it is going to make each day drag on forever. I'm just so excited for her to get here and finally meet her and see what she looks like and what her little personality will be like.

Now that I'm working from home, Caleb says I'm a work-a-holic. I guess I just want to stay on top of things because I don't want to get caught off guard and leave a mess for everyone I work with. When I'm laying in bed now (I don't sleep well as I've mentioned) now I end up feeling like I should just get up and get things done whether its work or cleaning house or what not.

I go back to the doctor today so we will find out today if I've started dialating or not. I would LOVE for them to tell me I might should go home and get my bags and head on my way to the hospital to have this baby. But that is definitely wishful thinking.

I can tell my body is getting ready for delivery because all my muscles and joints are all loose and relaxed. I think that's why things are getting so achy. I walked the dogs by myself the other day and I limped around the house the rest of the night. My hips and back couldn't handle all strength required to walk 2 dogs that weigh 70 and 90 lbs. So now I have to make Caleb go with me so he can handle those two pups.

My sister-in-law was in town this weekend with her husband and my niece. We were hoping I would go into labor while they were here but I'm still pregnant! We went to the mall and did a lot of walking. Then we started talking to another pregnant girl in the Baby Depot who said her and her sister both took Castor Oil when they were pregnant before and both had their babies the same day. So everyone convinced me we should try this. I had no idea we would find Castor Oil in the laxative section of CVS so I started thinking I might regret this decision. But after double checking this was a safe thing for me to take I gave in. I think I have a stomach made of steel though because it really didn't bother me and I didn't have any contractions. Caleb said if I'm still pregnant next week maybe we'll try again. I'm not so sure I'm up for drinking that disgusting stuff again though!

Last night I dreamed that we had the baby and surprise it was a boy. What a shock that would be. But I've had 5 ultrasounds so this is definitely a baby girl!

I don't think I've had any contractions yet, not even braxton hicks. But with this being my first baby its hard to know what I'm looking for. So hopefully we don't make any trips to the doctor or hospital to find out it's a false alarm. Well I will try to keep everyone posted if I go into labor! Cross your fingers it's soon!

Monday, June 21, 2010

37 Weeks, Full Term!

We made it to 37 weeks, she is officially full term now. Which means she can come at any time and we should have nothing to worry about. So I'm trying to figure out how to convince her to come out tomorrow :) My mom and sister are having an extremely crazy week though with 3 weddings so they are hoping she waits one more week and let's them get through the weekend. After that I might get desperate to get her out and start trying to do anything I can to bring on labor. Most of those things are probably just myths though but can't hurt to try!

She is completely under my ribs now so it's getting very painful depending how I'm sitting and how she is sitting. I keep trying to lean back to get her out of my ribs but then I end up with an achy back so I don't think I am going to win this battle. I'm just going to have to tough it out.

Well I went to the doctor today. I keep thinking they are going to start checking me to see if I'm dialating and they put that off one more week. They said usually with 3 weeks to go being a first time mom there is no activity down there at this point so no reason to put me through the pain. I actually lost a pound in the last two weeks so maybe my swelling is down today. But the baby's heart rate was great, my blood pressure was great, and everything seemed perfectly normal. I asked about all the pain and pressure I have in my pelvic area and she said it's definitely her head. For someone as small as me it's a lot harder on my body to carry the same size baby as someone who was much bigger starting out than I was. Basically the doctor said I'm just going to have to deal with the pain but the good news is I probably won't have to push as long as most when I get to that stage of labor since she is already down so low. I do have Group B Strep which is just a bacteria that is harmless to me but not good for the baby. So they are going to put me on antibiotics when I get to the hospital so I don't pass it to the baby during birth. Just one of those things a lot of women have and they deal with all the time but it shouldn't be a big deal.

I have been needing to decide on a pediatrician so I finally called and did that today. I had several people refer me to this doctor now so I feel good about it. They keep a doctor at the hospital during the week and a doctor on call on the weekends so they will meet us there on delivery day to check on Carli.

I've been very lucky and still no stretch marks so I'm hoping to have Carli before any decide to pop up! I haven't been walking as much as I was because it's getting so hard/painful. Caleb went with me last night to walk the dogs and I realized how slow I really have gotten. You can only waddle so fast I guess plus the smaller the steps the easier it is on my body.

This last little bit is going to be hard but the end is getting closer! And we are so close to meeting our little girl!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

36 Week Belly Picture

Less than a month now!

I am down to less than 4 weeks now! I just can't believe it. It seemed like it would never get here but now I look back and think where did the last 8 or so months go!

At my last doctor's appointment I was measuring the same size as someone who should be 38 weeks pregnant so I really look full term. As if I didn't feel huge and the doctor confirming it wasn't enough everyone asks now. Anywhere I go someone asks me when I'm due, how much longer, or I get the "Wow, you're about to pop" comments. So everyone must be thinking watch out for that lady she looks like she could go into labor any second. All my shirts are getting to short now that I'm in the last little stretch. I think I'm going to just have to live in my dresses the last little bit. I refuse to buy bigger maternity clothes when I only need them for a few weeks at the most.

I went to the doctor last week and I gained 4 lbs in 2 weeks! I do not like seeing huge jumps on the scale like that but most of that was probably because of the swelling. I was supposed to start going every week to the doctor once I was 36 weeks but when I went last week I was 35 so they said I could have another 2 week appointment or go ahead and start my 1 week appointments. The doctor went back and forth and decided it wasn't necessary for me to come in next week. When I go back the following week, I'll start getting checked to see if I'm dilating and all that fun stuff.

I got everything moved to the house from my office and started getting it all setup. It has been so nice to be able to work from home the last few days. I'm really trying hard to stay on top of all of my work and not get behind so I don't leave anyone stranded when I go into labor.

With our due date being so close now I feel like Carli could come at any second. It's a little strange walking around not knowing and feeling like you better be prepared at any moment. I wish someone could tell you exactly what day and time you are going to go into labor. I don't suppose that's gonna happen though so until "labor" day comes I guess we will be waiting!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

5 Weeks Left! So close!

I really can't believe how close I am getting. Only about 5 weeks to go. Everyone thinks she will come early, but I guess no way to know for sure though. I go back to the doctor tomorrow so maybe they will have a better idea.

We did get the car seat put in last week. It is so weird to me to look in the rearview mirror and see it there. It will be even crazier to look in the mirror and see a baby in that car seat soon. I feel like I've done everything I can to get ready for Carli that now I'm just coming up with random things to do that aren't necessary (I even organized the diapers by size). I guess that's what they call nesting. I'm trying to keep the car and house clean so I don't get caught off guard when she comes. I've about had enough preparing for her though, I'm just ready for her to get here.

I'm starting to swell a little bit now, so should be interesting to see how much weight I gain when I go to the doctor this week. By interesting I mean I'm not sure I want to know. The past couple days I've been struggling to get my wedding rings on and off. I think I'm going to have to go the last couple weeks without them so they don't get stuck or have to be cut off when my finger turns purple. I can notice some swelling in my ankles too. I'm glad I at least made it this far without that problem.

I can't even imagine how cramped her living quarters are getting these days. She has to be completely out of room in there. This past week I even started to feel her hiccups on the outside. Even the small movements that only I could feel before you can see/feel now. When she really starts kicking and twisting and turning it is pretty funny to watch my belly.

I went to the pool this weekend and did some swimming. It actually was really nice because my belly was weightless and nothing hurt while I was swimming around the pool. It gets heavy carrying all of this weight around my middle all of the time. I wish I could go more often, I see now why it is great exercise for pregnant women.

I finally got my maternity leave and job situation figured out. Huge relief. So I now have someone to cover for me during my maternity leave and then I'll be able to work from home part-time after that. I started packing up my office yesterday so that next week I can get setup and start working from home permanently.

Caleb realized the other night that he could turn the fan up even higher in our bedroom. And it is WONDERFUL. It has at least solved one of my sleeping problems because now I am cool enough at night. The first night though was very comical. I woke up for one of my many bathroom trips and looked over at Caleb who was freezing his butt off. He was bundled under the sheet, his blanket and the comforter doubled over and wrapped all the way up to his neck. And I felt great with just my sheet on the other side of the bed. So I can't say he hasn't sacrificed at least a little bit during this pregnancy! :)

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

34 Week Belly Picture

Monday, May 31, 2010

34 Weeks!

I feel like we are so close but so far still. We really have everything done so now I feel like we are just waiting on Carli to get here.

We cleaned both cars yesterday, inside and out. That was more work than I realized, they were both so dirty. But now we are ready to switch cars. We were going to put the car seat in today but it is pouring rain so probably tomorrow.

We packed our hospital bags over the weekend with the exception of the few things we will grab at the last second because we still need until then. Carli even has her own bag packed! We charged all our cameras and everything too. I got out the manuals for our cameras so I really need to read up on how to use all of these fancy features so I can really take some good pictures/videos of our baby after she is born. The key word being after, the hospital doesn't allow you to film the birth and even if they did I don't think I would want to be filmed giving birth.

I have roughly 6 weeks to go and they are going to be a long 6 weeks. I am hot almost all of the time. I have turned the air down in the house and sleep with no covers or just a sheet and I am still hot. We decided we might as well wash our comforter and put it away for a while because it keeps ending up on the floor. Caleb sleeps with his own blanket anyways, I'm going to freeze him out of the house if I turn the air down anymore.

My balance is horrible these days, I don't understand exactly why that happens but it does. It's the worst if I get up too fast like in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom. I stumble all over the place like if I had too much to drink the night before. I now also have sympathy for people with heartburn. It's been an annoyance for awhile but now it even keeps me up at night. Between bathroom breaks, heartburn, the baby kicking, being hot and uncomfortable, I'm really getting prepared for all of these sleepless nights to come with the baby!

But on a positive note, we are getting really excited for her to get here!!!

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Doctor's Appointment

Well I went to the doctor yesterday and saw a new doctor. They are starting to rotate me now so I can meet all 3 of the doctor's who could possibly deliver the baby. I really liked this doctor too so that was a relief. She went on and on about how beautiful my belly was without a blemish or stretch mark on it so what's not to love about such a nice doctor :)

I am measuring 37 weeks though instead of 33 so she was afraid I could possibly be having a HUGE baby. My belly doesn't have any fat and is very hard so she could feel how high up the babies feet are and how little room she has left in there. And I told her how much pain and pressure I'm having on my pubic bone and when she felt down there her head is already extremely low. So that explains why I am getting so uncomfortable. I don't think anyone wants to hear the word HUGE when referring to a baby they are going to have to give birth too! So we decided to do an ultrasound to check just so we would be prepared if I was having a really big baby. I did gain 4 lbs the last 2 weeks so now I'm at 19 lbs total! Still looks like my weight should be right where they want it at around 25 - 35 lbs by my due date.

I went back today for my ultrasound and her head isn't measuring too large so we shouldn't have any issues there. She also was in the 48 percentile for weight at about 4 and a half lbs so she is perfectly average size. I didn't get to talk to the doctor so I don't know why I keep measuring further along than I am, must just be because I'm carrying her all front and center. According to the ultrasound my due date is July 7th though so just about a week early. I would be very happy for her to come a little early but we will just have to wait and see when she decides she is ready!

I think it scared me and Caleb enough though about the possibility of Carli coming early so this week I'm definitely going to try to get our bags packed for the hospital. Then we are thinking we may go ahead and switch cars and install the car seat just in case. Hopefully it will be nice this weekend and we can clean out both cars before we switch. Other than that I plan to have a nice relaxing holiday weekend!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

33 Weeks!

It was another busy week, I think things should slow down a little now. At least I hope! I can't believe how close we are getting. She will be considered full term in just a few more weeks.

I did tons and tons of cleaning last week before my baby shower. I had help but it was still exhausting. Now the plan is to just keep the house that clean until the baby comes! The baby shower was so much fun. We thought it was going to rain on us but it cleared up just in time and we had perfect weather. The theme was pickles and ice cream so I have tons of pickles and ice cream left over! We got so many great gifts. Between the two showers we really had most of the necessities covered. We went through everything and did a few exchanges/returns Sunday. Now we are only missing a handful of things so maybe over the holiday weekend I can get the rest of our shopping done.

I can't believe how much laundry I've done for Carli already! All those little clothes, blankets, towels and things add up quickly. Probably will be that way when she is here too with all of the clothes and blankets she could easily go through in a day. And on top of all of that laundry we have decided that we would give cloth diapers a try. I may be out of my mind but worst case we switch back to disposables. I got a great deal on the diapers from a lady who closed her maternity shop so we really won't lose anything if we decide it's not for us. But if it works it will save us a lot of money along with all of the other benefits (good for the environment, less chemicals against Carli's skin, easier to potty-train, etc).

I've almost got everything put away and set up so we are ready when she is. I still need to wash all the bottles and toys that could end up in her mouth and decide where to keep all of those things. I've got to do a little reorganizing of the kitchen to find a place (low enough that I can still reach) to put all of the babies items. Bentley is going crazy over all of the baby toys so they definitely need a safe place until she learns they are not for her, but if it makes any kind of noise she is sure it's for her not the baby.

Back to the doctor tomorrow! I sure will be glad to stop going there all the time at the end of this process. I have to do more bloodwork so hopefully my iron levels are getting closer to where they should be, I've been trying to eat lots of iron rich foods and take my vitamins on time. We will see...

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

32 Week Belly Picture

32 Weeks!

It has been another crazy week. We have been so busy lately and it probably will continue this way until I feel like we are 100% ready. And I think there is no way to be 100% ready so I guess we are going to be busy until Carli makes her appearance.

I went to the doctor last week. Everything still seems to be going well. I go back again in 2 weeks and they will do bloodwork and recheck my iron levels to see if I'm still anemic. They said the baby is taking all the iron she needs so it's just leaving me without enough iron. Her head is still down so that's good, I was a breech baby so I'm glad to know I won't have to worry about that. She is really taking a toll on my lungs but they say that is normal. Until she drops even lower I won't have much lung capacity and will continue to feel out of breath.

We had our first baby shower Sunday. That went really well, the weather was perfect. We had lots of people come and got so much good stuff. We barely got everything home, we even had to buy luggage rack to go on the roof. We had the dogs with us so it was really a tight fit. I had two loads worth of laundry to do and that's alot when you think of how small those little clothes are. Now I'm busy trying to get everything ready for the shower here.

I have not been sleeping well lately. It's getting so hard to get comfortable and I'm getting so big it's hard to roll over. This belly of mine is heavy, I catch myself trying to carry it as I waddle around the house and things. Maybe I should invest in one of those support belt thingys.

My mom highlighted my hair for me this past week. I let the color sit and then she told me it was done so I could go rinse it out. I went upstairs to hang my head over the tub as I always do only to realize that wasn't going to happen. It was pretty funny, I thought about it for a minute and I concluded there was no possible way I was getting this belly out of the way to get bent over the tub. We resorted to the kitchen sink.

We had our last baby class tonight (unless one other class is offered in June). I took Caleb kicking and screaming to Breastfeeding class. He was not looking forward to that class or understanding why in the world he had to go. You have to explain things to Caleb with his wallet in mind though. When I mentioned how expensive a lactation consultant was and that if he could even remember one thing that I didn't we might not have to call one then he changed his tune. I like to think I have my husband figured out pretty well :)

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

31 Weeks! 2 More Months!

Now we are officially down to single digits for how many weeks we have left! Tomorrow will be 2 months away from our due date. I have another doctor's appointment tomorrow then I start going every two weeks for a while then every week at the end.

I've started noticing how bad my balance has gotten with my new figure! I am definitely growing much faster now that I'm at the end than I was at the beginning. When Carli kicks I can feel her right below my ribs now. From what I hear that is going to be very painful when she gets up under them completely. Carli seems to have the hiccups all the time. It has got to be frustrating to hiccup so much. It makes me laugh when she really starts moving around and I can see my belly jump and vibrate.

We are still trying to get little projects done around the house. It's getting harder for me to help though. I can only stand on my feet for so long before they just can't take it anymore. And if my feet aren't hurting it's likely something else is aching. We planted bushes along the deck so my back was fairly sore after that. I was trying to clean all the trim yesterday and all that squatting and bending over wasn't easy. I did a few rooms and decided that project was going to have to be spread out over several days. It's been uncomfortable to bend over for awhile and now I know that's because her head is right there.

I finally went and bought new foam so I could finish the changing table pad since the dogs ate the last one. So while Caleb was out of town all weekend I managed to get that done between all of the wedding cakes I helped with. We got pictures hung up in the nursery last week too so there is nothing else to do in there.

We had Childbirth classes Monday, Tuesday then Infant CPR and Taking Care of Baby classes on Sunday. So we have been busy. All of the classes were helpful, most of the taking care of baby things I knew but it still helped to have a refresher. The childbirth classes were great, I feel much more prepared and less nervous about the whole labor and delivery process now. I told Caleb, I feel like I'm ready now so let's get it over with while I still feel good about it. He said "Umm, I'm pretty sure you may be ready now but Carli's not so you're gonna have to wait." The delivery part is really the only part I've been nervous about, I'm so excited to meet Carli and bring her home. I know Caleb will be a great dad and I feel like I've been ready to be a mom.

I went out to lunch and had my first stranger rub my belly. I wanted to tell her I was not Buddha, it was extremely ackward. I don't think I would ever feel the urge to touch a stranger's belly. Family and friends don't bother me at all, I've of course had plenty of that, but a crazy waitress was just to strange.

We have our first baby shower this weekend in Randleman, then the following weekend is our shower at our house. So this weekend while all of us girls were together we got our game plan together as far as decorations and games and of course food! Now I suppose that means I have to clean house, blah, the only downside to have a shower at your own house. I'll have plenty of help though so it won't be too bad. I'm looking forward to both of our showers, they should be lots of fun.

Monday, May 3, 2010

30 Week Belly Picture

3D/4D Ultrasound

Only 10 Weeks Left!

I can't believe I'm 3/4 of the way done! 30 weeks gone with 10 to go! She is already in head down position and is definitely very low. The ultrasound tech and the doctor were both very surprised when they noticed this. I thought that was good news because I don't want a breech baby but now I'm wondering if I could go into labor early. I guess I'll ask at my next doctor's appointment.

The ultrasound Saturday was a lot of fun. We got some great pictures of her and a DVD of the whole thing. We got to see her smiling, swallowing and sticking her tongue out, hiccuping, sucking on her hand, and then sleeping. Looks like she is going to be left handed if Dr. Oz is right about the hand they suck in the womb correlating to which hand they will use later also. She definitely has a personality already because when we would poke at my belly or make noise on it she would react. She threw her hands up like what in the world are you doing. You could tell she had some hair on her little head. She had cute chubby cheeks and is starting to put on some weight now. I'm glad we decided to do the ultrasound it was worth it to see what she looks like and what she is doing right now. Now I can at least kind of picture what she will look like while we wait the next 10 weeks to meet her!

My neighbor that lives directly in front of me came over on Friday when I was watering the flowers and turns out she is pregnant also. She is due just about 2 weeks after me also with a little girl. I am so excited for Carli to have a friend so close to play with. All the other kids in the neighborhood are middle school age and older so now we will have a few little ones on our street.

We went to the Quail Hollow Golf Tournament yesterday when it was 92 degrees outside. We sat under a tree in the shade but it was just miserable we could only stay a few hours. My belly was sweating to my legs and it was just gross! It was fun to go and see some of the pros though but I'm avoiding crazy heat like that until this baby is born. Also that is just to much walking for me at this stage so I'm sticking to walking the dogs and getting on the treadmill where I can stop when I get tired.

Last night we went to see The Backup Plan. I've been dying to see it for months and it is finally out! It was a very cute movie and it was so funny being able to relate to everything they were going through with the pregnancy. I have to say I don't eat like she did in that movie though, but maybe that was normal and I'm abnormal...who knows! :) Before we went to the movie I ran in Target to get some chocolate covered raisins and drinks to take in. The lady at the register said you're having a girl aren't you? Then the lady behind me chimmed in and said she would definitely say I was having a girl too. They swore they could tell by how low I was carrying her and how I had no weight anywhere else but the middle. I guess thats a compliment but just funny for strangers to tell you.

My motherhood class I took last week was great. I loved the teacher she made it entertaining and it was all informative and helpful. We mostly learned about what to expect immediately after delivery and the first few weeks following (physical and emotional). One of those topics people don't talk about much, especially the physical side of things. We did an exercise to show how we allocate our time now and how things are going to change to meet the needs of a newborn. I knew babies took up LOTS of time but it was helpful to see exactly how much, they said on average every 7 to 11 minutes you have to tend to a baby. The next two days we have childbirth class. We are supposed to be dressing comfortably and bringing two pillows and a blanket so I can only imagine what we are going to be doing.

Caleb just got assigned to do some work on this job site in Asheville, so that makes me a little nervous. I guess he doesn't have a choice so hopefully the day I go into labor he will be in town. If he is in Asheville it could potentially take him 4+ hours to get to the hospital if he gets in traffic the wrong time of day. So I'm am going to cross my fingers and start praying to go into labor when he is in town or maybe the middle of the night would be best.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Belly on the Beach

29 Weeks!

Well I'm back from vacation unfortunately! We had a great time, I wasn't ready to come home. We did all the usual stuff with just a few modifications for my pregnant self! I get hot so easy so we ended up buying a canopy so I could sit in the shade when I needed a break from the sun. We wanted to have one of those for when we take Carli to the beach anyways. Caleb came up with an idea to get some sun on my back. He dug me a hole in the sand for my belly then I just layed my towel over it and it was perfect. It was pretty funny though, from the side you couldn't even tell I was pregnant. I can't remember the last time I didn't look pregnant lol.

While we were at the beach I fell and I think I scared everyone to death. We took the dogs down to the beach, they just love the water. We let them swim and fetch the ball in the ocean. Then we took them back to Gran's to hose them off and get all the sand off. Well Diesel didn't know what Caleb was doing to Bentley and he decided he wanted over there. I was caught off guard so when he pulled I couldn't get my hand out of the leash and the hose was all under my feet so I fell. I think it must be instinct because I don't even remember thinking it through but I fell on my side so I didn't hit my belly. I scraped my knee and really hurt my shoulder though. I think my shoulder took the worst of the fall and it hit the cement while the hose cushioned my belly. Hopefully it will start feeling better soon but right now it hurts to lift my right arm or touch it or lay on it etc.

I'm so tired lately and get out of breath easily. I have a feeling the 3rd trimester is going to kick my butt. Not sure why that just reminded me but my silly family is wondering about what we are going to have Carli call all of her private areas and what she is going to say when she has to go to the bathroom. Honestly haven't thought that far, I'm just wanting to make it to July and meet her right now! It hit me again on the way home from the beach, that in a few weeks we are going to leave the hospital with a baby! Still can't quite believe it.

Last week at the doctor, I had the glucose test. You have to drink this stuff that is straight sugar/syrup and it is horrible! It has to be one of the worst things I've ever tasted. But I got my results back and I don't have gestational diabetes! They said my iron was low though so they put me on some more vitamins! Probably from not eating much meat but I'd much rather have something like low iron that I can correct with a vitamin than diabetes! I gained another 3 lbs at this appointment, so I'm right on track with my 1 lb a week gain.

Caleb put his head on my belly and was listening to her heartbeat over the weekend. She kicked him in the head when he did this though, so she let him know what she thought of his big head pushing on her. She does this to me when I rest my arms on my belly too. She kicks and moves all the time now, I'm wondering if she ever sleeps!

Lots of things going on this week. Tomorrow is my first baby class, Transition to Motherhood. My friend with the same due date is taking it with me so it should be fun. This class is just for the mom's so Caleb is getting out of this one. Then we have our 3D/4D ultrasound this weekend. I'm so excited, it has seemed like it would never get here. I just can't wait to see what she looks like or who she looks like.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

3rd Trimester!

Well we are officially in the last trimester now! Less than 12 weeks til our due date. I think I say this every week but time is really flying by. At first I was wishing the time away and now I'm worried I'm going to run out of time to get everything I wanted to done. I guess all the important things are done so we really are ready for her, there is just always going to be house projects I want done I suppose.

I'm off to the doctor again tomorrow. I feel like I was just there but it's been 3 weeks already. I have to have the glucose test done to check for gestational diabetes. From what I hear that is not going to be a fun test at all. I'm a little nervous, my pregnant friend (due 2 days after me)has gestational diabetes. We had girls night at my house Saturday and she had to watch what she ate and test her blood afterwards. Hopefully that test will go well then I'm off to the beach!

I am so excited about my beach trip. My sister is going down tomorrow night so I'm riding with her then Caleb will meet me down there with the dogs on Friday. I'm sneaking in an extra 2 days on my vacation! It will be our last vacation just the two of us, then we will have family vacations (or have to send Carli to stay with grandparents for a weekend!) It definitely won't be as easy to pack up and go. I've got my maternity tankini all packed and ready to go. Should be a pretty funny sight, me almost 29 weeks pregnant in a bathing suit. It may be the last I want to be seen in a bathing suit for a while. Don't worry I'll take at least one picture. The dogs love the water so we are going to take them out before the crowd gets to the beach and let them play. I would love to get a tan but I'm not sure how that is gonna work out for me. I'm not supposed to get overheated for one, then secondly I can't flip over so I'd just have a tan front. Hmmm we'll see, regardless the beach and pool will still be fun and relaxing! Then our schedule really gets out of control until baby time.

I'm still having lots of heartburn from this little one. I can't wait to be rid of that. Ever since the Master's my feet have given up on me and this belly of mine. I can't stand for long or do much walking anymore before they are throbbing. I helped with wedding cakes, deliveries, and ran errands this weekend so I paid for it. But I have to say I would much rather have achy feet than back pain any day. There may still be some back pain in store down the road but so far just a little here and there.

I finally found a table for Carli's room! So now I just have to hang all my the pictures/bookshelves and we are done other than the changing table pad. Since the dogs ate the last one I've been looking everywhere for that foam and can't find it. Looks like I'm going to have to drive back down to Gastonia. I was really hoping to avoid that trip, oh well!

Well I guess that's all the excitement for this week!

28 Week Belly Picture

Well I was trying to take my belly pictures in the same outfit every time so you could really see the difference but I just can't comfortably get into those pants anymore and it's getting hot so I had to switch to shorts.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

3 Months to go!

Yesterday was the 12th so we are officially down to 3 months. I still can't believe it somedays.

Well it's been another busy busy week. And many more busy weeks to come, pretty much until Carli gets here. I got signed up for more baby classes today. I'm hoping those are helpful and not nearly as boring as everyone makes them out to be but I guess I'll find out soon enough. Besides all of the baby stuff we are really busy with the bakery. We have between 1 and 3 weddings almost every weekend between now and July on top of all the construction and things going on.

I think Carli is starting to get the hiccups. I felt it a few times now and I think that's what its got to be because its not quite the same as the kicking and flipping she normally does. I'm amazed at how strong she is getting. Those kicks are definitely getting more force behind them and coming so much more often. We couldn't sleep the other night and I was telling Caleb that her eyes are open now so you are supposed to be able to put a flashlight to your belly and she will react. He thought that sounded like a fun idea so we tested it out. She started kicking so hard and doing all kinds of flips. So we stayed up even later playing with her because it was so much fun. She was probably wanting to know who turned on the lights and how did she get them turned back off! We had several nights this week where it was just crazy how hard she was kicking, it was moving my whole stomach. Caleb said "She does that to you ALL the time? How do you deal with that?" Today my sister got to feel her kicking. Until now Caleb has been the only one to feel her.

We went to the Master's Golf Tournament this weekend. We all had a great time. It's a lot of walking though and a lot of hours in the heat so I swelled up like you wouldn't believe. My ankles and feet were beyond huge. I couldn't see my ankle bones or anything anymore. Today they are finally back to normal size. I wake up most nights now with one of my hands or arms asleep. I guess my circulation isn't very good right now.

I'm trying to get my invitations done and mailed out this week for the baby shower. So be on the lookout for those! Not to many weeks away now.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

26 Week Belly Picture!

Oh my goodness! I can't believe how much bigger I got in the last two weeks! I guess I should start taking pictures every week if I'm going to be changing this much as the each week goes by. My belly has gotten so big now that I can't see below it! I tried to paint my toenails this week and it was next to impossible. It was extremely uncomfortable, almost painful, so I will be going for pedicures from now til July. I planned ahead for this though and asked for gift cards for my birthday so it will be a nice treat!

It was a busy week with Easter. Caleb's parents got us the travel system (the stroller and car seat combo) as our baby gift. We went ahead and brought it home so we have less to bring after our shower there. It's all put together and ready to go. We attempted it with no instructions but then with all of the safety issues these days I figured I better read the instructions and fix our mistakes! Now that it's put together correctly, it is all very pretty. It's grey and sort of a lime green. The dogs did lots of sniffing and checking out of all the new baby gear so I think its good that they are getting used to having baby things around now instead of all at once in July.

I had my monthly checkup this past week and gained another 3.5 lbs so I'm right where they want me to be. For someone normal weight to begin with you should gain 25 - 35 lbs total so I should be right in there somewhere at the end. Now my doctor's appointments are going to get more and more frequent as I get closer and closer to my due date. I go back in 3 weeks now. They did say I caught up with myself though so I'm not measuring like I should be.

I have been lucky for the past few weeks, hardly any aches or pains. So I'm trying to enjoy it while it lasts. I had several people point out this week that I have the pregnancy walk down and that I'm now waddling. I was already aware though, I'm not sure exactly why but it is much more comfortable to waddle. I did have one or two days this week where I just felt like I couldn't breathe. All this extra weight and the baby moving up and smooshing my lungs I guess. I just feel like I can't quite catch my breath. I've probably got many more of those days to come especially with the heat where I'll feel like I'm gonna suffocate.

We are heading off to the Master's golf tournament this weekend, so I'm really excited about that. A nice little mini vacation. Then 2 more weeks after that, is my beach trip!! That is probably the end of my vacationing for a while. Then things are going to be very hectic.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

25 Weeks!

Oh wow, I can't believe I'm down to 15 weeks left. Only 100 days til our due date, a little over 3 months. I go back to the doctor tomorrow so we will see how things are looking. I'm curious to see how much weight I've gained this month. I'm supposed to be gaining about a pound a week. And with 15 weeks to go that would mean another 15 lbs. I just can't even imagine where its gonna go. I'm already having trouble with my balance and doing things as it is. I have to really concentrate now not to waddle because waddling definitely feels better with all of this extra weight and baby I'm carrying right in the middle!

Over the last week or so she has started kicking my bladder. Very weird and uncomfortable feeling. I'm hoping I don't end up peeing my pants one of these days when she gives me a big punch to the bladder!

We did lots of yard work all weekend. The boys dug up the back yard and leveled it. Then planted grass seed and put down straw. Gran and I replanted the flower beds in the front. We are keeping the dogs inside for the week to try to give the grass a head start. We also bought deck furniture finally so its starting to look good back there! I'm excited to enjoy it this summer. Me and Carli are gonna lay in the hammock and take our naps! We decided to have the baby shower at my house since the bakery won't be open and I have such a big outdoor area. So should be alot of fun!

Caleb got the frame up on the dresser so now we have a changing table as soon as I get the changing table pad made. I started sewing the cover Sunday and we cut the foam to fit. But like I said last week the dogs must be deprived of attention or sensing this baby coming. I woke up Monday morning and heard a little too much noise outside my bedroom door, jumped up to find Diesel eating my foam! I was sooo mad at him. So now I've got to go find more foam and start over. I did get done sewing all of my pillows and Gran finished her blankets for the room (of course she has already started on new ones though).

I'm kind of surprised my belly button isn't completely inside out already but its now just a slit. It looks so funny. Not too much longer before it pops out like a turkey timer!

Not sure if I'll have time to write again before the end of the week so...


Tuesday, March 23, 2010

24 Week Belly Picture

Another week gone! 24 down, 16 to go. It is really weird to me to have more weeks behind me than how many I have left. Next week I'll be down to 15 weeks til my due date. For some reason 15 sounds so few to me, I think time will really start flying by after that.

I have been having crazy horrible heartburn. But it's supposed to be a sign that she will have lots of hair! I don't think any babies in my family or Caleb's have been born bald so I'm thinking this could be accurate. We are having a 3D/4D ultrasound done in a few weeks so we ought to be able to find out for sure too. Too bad we won't be able to tell what color hair she will have, I think that is the thing everyone is most curious about because I have blonde hair (used to be almost white when I was young) and Caleb has black hair! My whole life I always imagined having my blonde haired kids so it's going to be a shock if a baby shows up with dark hair, even though I think either is beautiful. I can't wait to see who she looks like and what features she got from who.

It's about that time to start thinking about baby classes! I'm starting to sign up for classes this week. Caleb is soooo excited about it (NOT!) but I think they will be helpful and they are so cheap at $10 a class I think we would be stupid not to take advantage of what the hospital offers. My schedule is really starting to get booked up between baby classes, the Master's, a trip to the beach, baby showers, birthday parties, house projects, and I think you get the point. Should be a crazy 3 months!

I wonder if I'm spending to much time on the baby already and neglecting the dogs. They have been so good, I can't remember when the last time they got into something was but yesterday they pulled everything off the coffee table while I was getting ready for work. They ate two pens, started on my nail polish which luckily didn't bust, ate their doggie finger toothbrush (which Diesel threw up this morning at 4am), and a bottle cap. That's just the things they left evidence of. But it also rained for a few days so they were locked inside and went without their walks so maybe they had some pent up energy! They usually get so much attention they are going to have a little bit of an adjustment when the baby gets here. But they do so good with kids and babies they have been around we aren't worried about that part.

I started sewing all those pillows on the twin bed so I'm about half way done. It took alot more hours than I thought. I had no idea how that project was going to turn out but so far, I'm really impressed with myself. I think if I didn't tell you, you would think I bought them that way. Gran has knitted a blanket for the crib that is so cute and is finishing one for the bed also. It's all just turning out great.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

23 Weeks!

So according to the What to expect when you're expecting book, I'm now in the 6th month! I'm afraid I'm about at that waddling stage. This week I've started to notice how much harder it is to do simple things like roll over in bed or especially get out of bed. I sat down on the floor and Caleb was giving me a hard time watching me maneuver my way back off the floor. I'm wondering how big and uncomfortable I'm going to be by the time July gets here. I'm definitely going to be one of those pregnant women that waddles though, I've already started noticing it some when I'm walking around.

I think I said this once before but I'm loving having some warm weather for a change. The first thing everyone says about my due date being in July though is "oh no, you're going to be so hot and miserable" so I may have a change of heart later but for now I love it. It's great to be able to wear my maternity clothes (which are all spring/summer items) and be comfortable instead of squeezing in my now unflattering non maternity tops. I've been walking the dogs everyday and trying to get some more of my exercise outside too. I read yesterday that exercise during pregnancy has been linked to higher IQ now so there's one more reason for me to keep it up.

We did finally get our gift registries done this weekend. We were the first ones in Babies R Us saturday so thankfully we missed the crowd. Then we did Target that night. Hopefully we got all the important things on there, I'm not sure how you are supposed to know exactly what you need (or don't need for that matter) being a first time parent. We did buy a gate and put that up so now the dogs can't get to the nursery. It's so nice now we can leave the door open, I love being able to see in there when we walk by. I went over to Rachael's sunday and basically robbed her of all her baby stuff that Hailey has outgrown. She is letting me borrow all kinds of things like a cradle, bouncy seat, clothes, and the list goes on. It is gonna be a huge help!

And if you read the last post you know we finally decided on her name. Carli Hope Saruse! We started to give her my middle name but we thought Hope sounded so much prettier than Faith with Carli. We both really like spelling it with an "I" better than a "Y". It's so fun to be able to call her by her name. Especially when I'm telling stories and can say Guess what Carli did? She kicked me all night. Her clock is definitely backwards right now so we are hoping that isn't the case come July!

More Nursery Pictures

And her name is...

What a pain it was to hang these letters, they did not want to hang level you had to tie the ribbon just the right height, and spacing them evenly when the letters aren't the same sizes etc. Caleb is anal about getting his measurements right and I just want it to look pretty so it took us forever. Good thing her name is only 5 letters.
We still want to put some book shelves or something of that sort between the two big windows.
I still need to find a nightstand small enough to fit between the bed and the crib so I can put the lamp and CD player on there.
The dresser will be the changing table once Caleb gets the railing painted and put on top. Then I have to make the changing table pad. And of course when its all said and done we will need a diaper genie and a laundry hamper beside the dresser. Two of those things that unfortunately come with a baby, dirty diapers and dirty clothes!
Then here is the twin bed. I've got lots of sewing to do here too. I've got several different fabrics so I'm going to cover all these pillows plus some so its more like a sofa. Except of course those nights when the baby won't sleep and I end up using it as the bed it actually is. Eventually this will be Carli's bed when she outgrows the crib but we have plenty of time before that gets here.

I'm not sure why some of these pictures look so bright but its more of a pale yellow on the walls not a bright sunshine yellow.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Nursery Picture

This is a quick picture I took over the weekend but I'll take some more when I get her name hung up hopefully tonight. I'll take some close ups so you can really see how pretty the crib/bed skirt and the curtains are. Right now its hard to see the skirt though because of the height we have the mattress set at. When we lower the mattress as the baby grows you'll see more of the details.

4 Months To Go!

Well I've officially been pregnant too long now, it's gone to my brain! I got an email today that said automatic and I read amniotic. I had to reread that one because I was sure an accountant was not emailing me about my pregnancy especially not about my amniotic fluid.

I didn't have time to write much this week I had an auditor and all kinds of craziness at work. But I'll do my best to catch everyone up. I can't believe tomorrow is Friday already though, I'm not sure where this week has gone. As of tomorrow (3/12) I have only 4 months to go until my due date.

Last weekend I went with two girls I know that are also pregnant to the mall. We are all due within 2 days of each other so that was alot of fun to chit chat and hang out with people going through the same things, and of course then no one feels like they are talking about themselves or their baby too much. I'm the only one having a girl though so I shopped in the little girls sections while they were in the boy sections. They are both excited about their boys but jealous at how much more fun it is to shop for girls. I tried to limit myself because I'm sure I'll get lots of clothes for gifts but I couldn't resist a few adorable tiny outfits I saw. I can't believe how little these clothes are. I love the things that look like something I would wear, like when babies are dressed like mini grown-ups. And wow does shopping wear me out these days, I used to could (thats one of those southern sayings usetacould) shop and shop and never get tired but I was exhausted and my feet were throbbing after a few hours.

The weather was so gorgeous for a few days, I really got spoiled. I got to wear some of my new maternity clothes for a change. Sunshine and warm weather always make me happy! Makes you grateful for everything you have. Now its rainy and yuck so I'm praying for the sun to come back!

We are so close to being done on the nursery now. We got the mattress for the twin bad so that is all set up. We got the letters for her name painted and the ribbon to hang them. We are going to try to do that tonight. I'll take a picture when its up and everyone can see what her name is...for the most part I've kept it a secret this long so what's another day or two. Caleb is getting the railing done so the dresser will be a changing table soon. Then I have some sewing to do. I'm making the changing table pad and a bunch of pillows for the beds. Should be interesting to see how those things turn out, I don't have much experience with a sewing machine. The only other things we have left are if I find any pictures or anything I want to hang and I'd like to put a few book shelves up. But nothing we couldn't do without.

Caleb is finally done with P90X that crazy workout program he did. Its been nice to have my husband back and not trying to work around his workouts every night. So we've had a lot more time to get things done this week. With him working out every single day though it made it easier for me to want to do my workouts though. So I took a few days off from working out (besides walking the dogs in the awesome weather) and finally made myself get back on the treadmill last night.

My sister-in-law is pregnant with baby number 2 now so our little one will have a cousin the same age. They will be about 3 - 4 months apart depending exactly when these babies make their arrivals. So I think that will be a lot of fun especially since we see them pretty often. We will have the first grandchild on my side of the family but on his side she will be the 9th (7th biological, Caleb's brother's girlfriend has 2 kids we claim).

I also had my first stranger ask me when I was due this week. I was soooo excited because that means I officially look pregnant no more wondering or feeling like I just look chubby! When us preggo girls went to the mall we walked by a group of people waiting in the check out line and one lady said "LOOK, they are all pregnant!" It was so funny, but I guess it is strange to see 3 of us out together.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

22 Week Belly Picture

I almost forgot to take my belly pictures last night but here they are. I was all ready for bed when Caleb remembered so I'm half asleep in these pictures :P

Friday, March 5, 2010

Pretty Eventful Week!

We had a little scare at my doctor's appointment on Wednesday, which turned out to be a false alarm. They sure know how to make a pregnant woman worry! The doctor measured my uterus and it is supposed to be the same amount of centimeters as how many weeks you are, but I measured 26 weeks. She said it could just be that I'm so small and short waisted that the baby has no where to go but up but it could also mean a whole lot of other things so she wanted to do a quick ultrasound. The doctor did the ultrasound and said I had too much fluid around the baby which probably meant I had gestational diabetes but she was worried for me to have that so early on. So she scheduled me for another ultrasound Thursday to recheck my fluid levels and see if it was a fluke because sometimes your levels fluctuate from day to day and if not they would start testing me and the baby for different things. Caleb couldn't go to the appointment so my mom and Gran got to go and get a little peak at the baby girl. Who by the way is definitely a girl without a doubt after we checked again. When I went back Thursday for my ultrasound with the Ultrasound tech she said everything looked great and my fluid levels were in the normal range and right at average. She also told me that she hates when the doctor does the scans so we aren't sure if the doctor miscalculated my fluid levels (they aren't trained on those machines) or if my levels were just high one day but regardless I guess my uterus is just gonna be big, the doctor said I looked like a 7 month pregnant woman she would see, probably just due to me being so short! So I have absolutely no reasons to worry they said.

On a side note, probably all of my kids are going to be taller than me. I am the shortest in my family at 5 feet 2 inches (and I might be slightly under that) and Caleb is over 6 feet with all of the girls in his family several inches taller than me. My mom has been telling us for as long as I can remember that we needed to get rid of the short gene in our family :) so I might actually have accomplished that.

I have been feeling all kinds of cartwheels, flips and other acrobatics going on in my belly this week. She is the most active in the mornings and I was laying in bed Wednesday and staring at my stomach and I could see her kick and it looked like a wave went across my belly. It was the weirdest thing but so neat. So I figured if I can see it you outta be able to feel it on the outside for sure. So we got Caleb to feel it after dinner when she was active that night. FINALLY! I think he was really excited to finally get to feel her too. Now he should be able to feel her more and more often. I also read she is about a pound now. So she is really starting to gain. That may be why you can feel her on the outside now, she has more weight so she can put some force behind those kicks and punches!

I got my curtains and bedskirt done this week. Sooooo cute! I LOVE the way everything turned out. Caleb hung the curtain rods and I ironed the curtains last night so we got those up. I still need to iron the bedskirt and put that in the crib. Gran is also knitting me a blanket for the crib that is adorable. I can't wait to see it finished. Then the crib will just be missing our precious little baby! I'll try to take a picture or two this weekend to show everyone. It's also almost time to take another belly picture too. Wow how fast is time going by!?

Monday, March 1, 2010

21 Weeks!

Well another week closer to our due date! Another week closer to meeting our little one! She has started moving more and more. I think she is doing acrobatics in there. Everytime she is really active, Caleb doesn't seem to be around! Or as soon as I tell him to feel then she stops moving. She is playing games with Daddy already. I went to church yesterday and that was the longest period of time I've felt her nonstop so far. Its not your typical church they play loud more modern christian songs instead of the old hymns so I think she was dancing to all the music. They say her hearing is getting really strong at this point and loud noises can even startle her.

We had another busy weekend. We got lots of things done in the nursery and around the house. They are almost done with my bedding for the crib, they were finishing everything up and didn't quite have enough fabric so I had to go back to the fabric store for more. Hopefully after this week I'll have everything put together minus all of the finishing touchs like odds and ends decorations. I want to put her name on the wall above the crib for one so I need to make sure we are 100% agreed on the name then I can get that done. I'll post pictures when all the big stuff is finished.

I finally have given up on fitting in any of my regular clothes and completely packed away all of my winter items that I won't be getting into until next year. I did pull out my summer clothes to see if there was any loose shirts I thought I could wear. I found two or three summer tops and that was it. Of course I may get back into my normal summer clothes by August so I kept a few shorts and things out (cross my fingers I go right back to pre-preggo size). I did have fun getting all my flip flops and shoes out though. One thing I can still wear! I go back to the doctor Wednesday so I'm curious to see how much weight I've gained now. According to my home scale I think I'm making up for not gaining last month.

Lunch time! :)

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

20 Weeks! Halfway Point!

Here they are, my halfway pictures!

It is still so weird for me to see myself pregnant! We looked at my before pictures tonight and I was speechless looking at the difference. And we are only halfway so I can only imagine how big I'm gonna get in 20 more weeks. I can't believe we are halfway, time has flown by! But on the flip side it also seems like July is never going to get here.

My appetite has definitely started to increase, Caleb noticed it first. He has gotten spoiled because he always gets all my leftovers and now he isn't liking the fact that I can almost clean my plate. I read now the baby is tasting everything I eat so what I eat now can determine what she will like in the future. So I better be eating my fruits and veggies I suppose or else I have no room to complain when she doesn't like them. I know one thing for sure she is going to like spicy food!

We found out this week that the renter at our townhouse is going to stay a lot longer so that was a huge relief. His lease is almost up and we were worried if we couldn't replace him immediately we would be stuck with two mortgages while I'm out of work with the baby. But so far everything has worked out.

We set our baby shower dates this week. So everyone put it on your calendars, of course invitations will get sent closer but unless something changes, May 22 I'll have my shower here in Charlotte and May 16 in Randleman with Calebs family and friends. I guess I better start working on my registries. We also planned one last beach trip for the two of us before the baby comes. So I'm really excited about that. I got a really cute maternity swimsuit to wear too!

We went to my in-laws for the weekend and we had a great time visiting with everyone. I always love seeing all my nieces and nephews. But I didn't sleep in my bed and I've suffered for a few days because of it. I woke up and wanted to cry my hips hurt so bad, I ended up sleeping sitting up most of the night. Between my hips and my back its been a long few nights but each night since has gotten better. Hopefully tonight will be completely back to normal. Well as normal as sleeping when you're pregnant can be. This being pregnant business isn't all its cracked up to be :) Lots of fun parts (I've really been enjoying feeling the baby moving this week) and lots of not so fun parts (Aches and Pains, Heartburn, etc).

Progress on the nursery this week: I'm putting a twin bed in there so we got a box spring and bed frame, now I just need to get the mattress. I have most of the bedding for the twin now. My crib bedding is almost done so I can't wait to see it. I'm trying to find the perfect curtain rods so I can get the curtains up next week also. We need to put one more coat of paint on the dresser and we need new knobs then that will be done. So we are getting there!

Thursday, February 18, 2010

She's a Wiggler!

Yesterday I finally felt lots of moving and kicking going on. I woke up and layed in bed not wanting to get up and she starting kicking really hard. Caleb said she must have been hungry and was telling me to get out of bed :) But then I was having to much fun feeling her I didn't want to get up. It's the neatest thing to be able to feel all her little movements now. I felt her some more after dinner then again after I did my workout she was very active. Accounting must put her to sleep because I didn't feel her much at work though, but who can blame her accounting could put anyone to sleep! I'm so excited, I can't wait for Caleb to be able to feel her too.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

19 Weeks!

As of yesterday I am 25 years old and 19 weeks pregnant!

Well we got more snow this weekend but luckily not enough to stop my dad from making it to my house! Caleb and my dad got the nursery painted in no time on Saturday. It looks great, I think the color turned out the perfect shade of yellow! I was a little worried we had some issues with the paint samples but it all worked out. Rachael and Hailey came to help too. Hailey is 8 months old so we put her on the floor with all of her toys while we tried to clean and sand all the walls in the bathroom so they can be painted one of these days! She kept crawling into the bathroom to see what we were doing though.

Sunday I did my workout with all the squatting and free weights and weird leg lifts, etc that Dr. Oz recommends during pregnancy. (Caleb makes fun of me because if Dr. Oz said it I believe it!) So after I did that I thought I would do some abs and layed down to do them and I felt the baby moving. I think she was saying what the heck is going on here you've been bouncing around like a crazy person. I'm very excited to start feeling her all the time. The few times I've been sure it was the baby I was laying down.

For the most part I've been feeling really good lately. I've had a few days here and there where I feel dizzy and light headed. And some days I have cramps from all the growing and stretching going on. But overall this trimester is much easier than the first. The first trimester was so rough I was wishing I was having twins so I would never have to be pregnant again!

Saturday we were laying on the couch and watching a movie. I was looking at how big my belly was getting and I saw/felt my belly button and said "Aaaaah, Caleb my belly button is turning inside out!" I used to have this tiny deep bellow button and now its shallow and wider. I can actually see all the little crevices now, lol. I think its going to be inside out completely pretty soon. It is so weird to see my body go through all of these changes. It's very strange for me to look in the mirror!

I took the day off for my birthday yesterday and Gran took me shopping for Maternity clothes. I finally couldn't wait any longer and it is so great to have some cute things that actually fit. Its not fun to squeeze into clothes that are too small but I guess even if you aren't pregnant you have probably learned that one already. We had to drive all over town to find maternity stores but really found some great things and had a lot of fun shopping. Most things we bought are for summer/spring though so I'm ready for winter to go away!

Off to pick up the in-laws from the airport!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

18 Week Belly Picture

I don't feel like I have changed as much in the last two weeks as I have been but here is the latest pictures!

So last night I had to laugh at myself because I got up in the middle of the night to eat. I was so hungry laying there and I kept trying to just fall back asleep but then I kept thinking what if the baby is hungry. So I finally got up and fixed a snack! Caleb asked what was wrong and I just started laughing. I had to tell him I felt guilty I might be starving the baby. Never have I felt so much like a fat kid as when I got up in the middle of the night and microwaved a snack!

Monday, February 8, 2010

18 Weeks! Almost Halfway!

I'm officially 18 weeks today, with 22 weeks to go! I read today that my uterus is the size of cantaloupe! And I believe it, my belly is hard all the way to my belly button now. This little girl is taking over my body, slowly but surely :) Actually not slowly, its amazing how fast it all happens and how your body can make a baby in just 40 weeks! This week, I have gotten quite a few comments from people along the lines of "poor Caleb is having a girl". It's so funny to me, even Caleb's family and friends are shocked to hear that he wanted a girl.

We went to Winterplace (in West Virginia) this weekend for a ski trip with some of Caleb's friends. Of course I couldn't ski so I was stuck in the condo all weekend. I planned on walking down to the lodge (driving was not an option we barely made it up the mountain in the first place) but with all the snow they got it wasn't safe for me to attempt. The snow in some places came almost to my knees. I think everyone had a good time though, I did get a little bored during the day though. I sat around and did things like paint my fingernails, which I never do! The 4Runner was STUCK when we tried to leave yesterday so after lots of shoveling snow all 4 guys pushed and I had to drive to finally get us out. Once we got down the mountain the highways were totally clear so it was a much easier to get home than it was to get there, we had to drive in the snow, rain and ice.

I try not to be a complainer but I have complained about lunch yet? I never thought deli meat was such a staple in my diet, but its nearly impossible to pack a lunch without it. I don't think I can eat another peanut butter sandwich. But I know its not healthy to eat out all the time and it's not good for my budget. So lunch is a huge challenge for me, I end up snacking most days til dinner time.

During the ultrasound, when the tech was pushing so hard on my stomach I thought I felt the baby so I was determined to try to feel her again. So I was laying in the bed the other night pushing and poking at my belly and I could swear she pushed back. I told Caleb and of course his first response is you probably have gas! But in the last few days I haven't felt it like I did those two times but I'm sure soon I'll feel her all the time. I think I'm most looking forward to this part when I'm sure what I'm feeling is the baby.

I have woken up two nights now with horrible pain in my hips! I hate this sleeping on my side business. Most of my weight is on my hips laying that way and I curl my legs up which both things are probably causing it, along with the fact that more of my weight now is in my middle. As soon as I straighten my legs it helps with most of the pain but I can't sleep with my legs straight unless I'm on my back which is a big no-no! Oh boy, here comes all of the pregnancy pains!

Well after work today, I'm heading to Lowe's to get paint samples. I narrowed it down to two shades of yellow. So I'm going to try to get Caleb to paint some small sections this week so by the weekend I can make a final decision and get the painting done in the nursery. I'm crossing my fingers my dad will be available to help this weekend. Anyone else interested in helping? The painting party will start bright and early Saturday morning. And early for us means after 10:00 am or whenever the dogs get up, whichever happens first.

I'll take my updated belly pictures tonight so hopefully I can post them tomorrow.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

It's a girl!!

So after all of the counting down, the big day finally got here for our ultrasound. I'm sure Caleb was excited for multiple reasons one of which being he didn't have to listen to me remind him how many more days left til we find out what we we're having. I had the ultrasound and then a doctor's appointment right afterwards so I had strict orders that I was to send a text message as soon as I found out and not to leave everyone waiting. Getting on the elevator going up Caleb realized as many girls in this family if we end up having a girl he is seriously going to be out numbered! So the lady starts the ultrasound and we immediately think its a boy but come to find out what we saw between the legs was just the umbilical cord. I guess there is a reason you have to have training for that job! At first she was 90% sure that it was a girl because she didn't see any little parts (her wording) between the legs so of course we had her keep searching! She was moving like crazy so we finally got a shot of her mooning us so then she was certain it was a girl we are having. Its so fun to say she and her now instead of calling her an it. I always hated saying it. Of course Caleb forgot to wear his contacts so he about broke his neck standing right under the screen trying to see everything. Its amazing how much you can see already especially compared to the last ultrasound. We could see every lil finger and toe (and LOTS of other bones too!). She is about 6 oz now and her heart rate is 154. Everything looked perfect and she is measuring right on track for July 12th! I really enjoyed the ultrasound and seeing the progress she is making so now I'm tempted to do the 3D ultrasound when I get further along (birthday present?). Surprisingly as big and round as I feel like I'm getting in the middle I haven't gained any weight this month, so my total is still under 3lbs. Does that mean I can have a Macado's brownie sundae, because that sounds amazing??!!!

Well we got almost 6 inches of snow at our house over the weekend. The dogs loved it, especially Diesel. If he wasn't outside playing in it he was sitting at the door crying (he alternated between the front and back door). The two of them would run and chase each other then get tired and just eat the snow. Caleb would throw snow balls in the air and they would try to catch them or fetch them and were thoroughly confused when they snowball busted in their face or they couldn't find the snowball among all the other snow! It was hilarious to watch. With the snow covering the deck though the two of them couldn't grasp the concept that they could make yellow snow in the yard but not on the deck so we kept having to scrap up the snow on the deck everytime they went to the bathroom! They might not be the brightest but they are my babies til this little girl makes her appearance! Luckily both Diesel and Bentley do amazing with babies and kids. Not so amazing with baby toys so we will have to figure out a solution to that one when the time comes!

Besides all of the playing we did in the snow, we actually got lots of projects done around the house while we were snowed in. We put another shelf in the baby's closet and redid all of the electrical in there (the outlets were all mismatched and tan). We put a dimmer that actually works so when I have to get up for all those middle of the night feedings I dont have to turn the bright lights on. I have a feeling that might be one of my favorite things about the nursery :) I am not a morning person so that part is going to kill me!

If you don't know this about me already, I'm a little overly organized & prepared, some might use the word anal lol. So forever ago I started this list of names I liked and just kept adding to it. I decided while we were snowed in I should separate the list into boys and girls so after the ultrasound it would be easier. Caleb had basically refused to talk about baby names until we knew the sex but when he saw how long the list was he gave in. He figured he better get some of this over with, we started with almost 400 names. We narrowed the boy names down and had agreed on our favorite (Mason Blake). So easy then we got to girls not so easy. We still have close to 10 names, none of which we LOVE yet. So that will be a challenge but luckily we still have a few more months to decide.

After all my appointments I went shopping with my mom and sister to pick out all of the fabric for the bedding and curtains in the baby's room. We went to this crazy warehouse in Gastonia called Mary Jo's. I have never seen so much fabric in my life. But after several hours we had made our final decisions and even had some extra fabric to make the changing table pad cover and lots of pillows! I'm having the bedding and curtains made but I'm going to make the changing pad and cover and attempt some pillows. We'll see how that goes! I'm so excited to see how everything turns out. Now I can pick out paint and put my dad and Caleb to work! Speaking of shopping, I have to tell on Gran because I thought it was so funny. I called her after I finally left the doctor and got on the road and she had already been to the knitting store to buy pink yarn and was on her way home to knit a blanket for her great granddaughter! She didn't waste any time when she got my text message. I'm so glad everyone is as excited about this baby as we are!

I'm realizing looking at how long my posts are getting that writing on here once a week might not be enough. I'm going to try to write more often so you don't have to read a whole book every week.