Friday, March 5, 2010

Pretty Eventful Week!

We had a little scare at my doctor's appointment on Wednesday, which turned out to be a false alarm. They sure know how to make a pregnant woman worry! The doctor measured my uterus and it is supposed to be the same amount of centimeters as how many weeks you are, but I measured 26 weeks. She said it could just be that I'm so small and short waisted that the baby has no where to go but up but it could also mean a whole lot of other things so she wanted to do a quick ultrasound. The doctor did the ultrasound and said I had too much fluid around the baby which probably meant I had gestational diabetes but she was worried for me to have that so early on. So she scheduled me for another ultrasound Thursday to recheck my fluid levels and see if it was a fluke because sometimes your levels fluctuate from day to day and if not they would start testing me and the baby for different things. Caleb couldn't go to the appointment so my mom and Gran got to go and get a little peak at the baby girl. Who by the way is definitely a girl without a doubt after we checked again. When I went back Thursday for my ultrasound with the Ultrasound tech she said everything looked great and my fluid levels were in the normal range and right at average. She also told me that she hates when the doctor does the scans so we aren't sure if the doctor miscalculated my fluid levels (they aren't trained on those machines) or if my levels were just high one day but regardless I guess my uterus is just gonna be big, the doctor said I looked like a 7 month pregnant woman she would see, probably just due to me being so short! So I have absolutely no reasons to worry they said.

On a side note, probably all of my kids are going to be taller than me. I am the shortest in my family at 5 feet 2 inches (and I might be slightly under that) and Caleb is over 6 feet with all of the girls in his family several inches taller than me. My mom has been telling us for as long as I can remember that we needed to get rid of the short gene in our family :) so I might actually have accomplished that.

I have been feeling all kinds of cartwheels, flips and other acrobatics going on in my belly this week. She is the most active in the mornings and I was laying in bed Wednesday and staring at my stomach and I could see her kick and it looked like a wave went across my belly. It was the weirdest thing but so neat. So I figured if I can see it you outta be able to feel it on the outside for sure. So we got Caleb to feel it after dinner when she was active that night. FINALLY! I think he was really excited to finally get to feel her too. Now he should be able to feel her more and more often. I also read she is about a pound now. So she is really starting to gain. That may be why you can feel her on the outside now, she has more weight so she can put some force behind those kicks and punches!

I got my curtains and bedskirt done this week. Sooooo cute! I LOVE the way everything turned out. Caleb hung the curtain rods and I ironed the curtains last night so we got those up. I still need to iron the bedskirt and put that in the crib. Gran is also knitting me a blanket for the crib that is adorable. I can't wait to see it finished. Then the crib will just be missing our precious little baby! I'll try to take a picture or two this weekend to show everyone. It's also almost time to take another belly picture too. Wow how fast is time going by!?


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