Monday, June 21, 2010

37 Weeks, Full Term!

We made it to 37 weeks, she is officially full term now. Which means she can come at any time and we should have nothing to worry about. So I'm trying to figure out how to convince her to come out tomorrow :) My mom and sister are having an extremely crazy week though with 3 weddings so they are hoping she waits one more week and let's them get through the weekend. After that I might get desperate to get her out and start trying to do anything I can to bring on labor. Most of those things are probably just myths though but can't hurt to try!

She is completely under my ribs now so it's getting very painful depending how I'm sitting and how she is sitting. I keep trying to lean back to get her out of my ribs but then I end up with an achy back so I don't think I am going to win this battle. I'm just going to have to tough it out.

Well I went to the doctor today. I keep thinking they are going to start checking me to see if I'm dialating and they put that off one more week. They said usually with 3 weeks to go being a first time mom there is no activity down there at this point so no reason to put me through the pain. I actually lost a pound in the last two weeks so maybe my swelling is down today. But the baby's heart rate was great, my blood pressure was great, and everything seemed perfectly normal. I asked about all the pain and pressure I have in my pelvic area and she said it's definitely her head. For someone as small as me it's a lot harder on my body to carry the same size baby as someone who was much bigger starting out than I was. Basically the doctor said I'm just going to have to deal with the pain but the good news is I probably won't have to push as long as most when I get to that stage of labor since she is already down so low. I do have Group B Strep which is just a bacteria that is harmless to me but not good for the baby. So they are going to put me on antibiotics when I get to the hospital so I don't pass it to the baby during birth. Just one of those things a lot of women have and they deal with all the time but it shouldn't be a big deal.

I have been needing to decide on a pediatrician so I finally called and did that today. I had several people refer me to this doctor now so I feel good about it. They keep a doctor at the hospital during the week and a doctor on call on the weekends so they will meet us there on delivery day to check on Carli.

I've been very lucky and still no stretch marks so I'm hoping to have Carli before any decide to pop up! I haven't been walking as much as I was because it's getting so hard/painful. Caleb went with me last night to walk the dogs and I realized how slow I really have gotten. You can only waddle so fast I guess plus the smaller the steps the easier it is on my body.

This last little bit is going to be hard but the end is getting closer! And we are so close to meeting our little girl!


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