Tuesday, April 27, 2010

29 Weeks!

Well I'm back from vacation unfortunately! We had a great time, I wasn't ready to come home. We did all the usual stuff with just a few modifications for my pregnant self! I get hot so easy so we ended up buying a canopy so I could sit in the shade when I needed a break from the sun. We wanted to have one of those for when we take Carli to the beach anyways. Caleb came up with an idea to get some sun on my back. He dug me a hole in the sand for my belly then I just layed my towel over it and it was perfect. It was pretty funny though, from the side you couldn't even tell I was pregnant. I can't remember the last time I didn't look pregnant lol.

While we were at the beach I fell and I think I scared everyone to death. We took the dogs down to the beach, they just love the water. We let them swim and fetch the ball in the ocean. Then we took them back to Gran's to hose them off and get all the sand off. Well Diesel didn't know what Caleb was doing to Bentley and he decided he wanted over there. I was caught off guard so when he pulled I couldn't get my hand out of the leash and the hose was all under my feet so I fell. I think it must be instinct because I don't even remember thinking it through but I fell on my side so I didn't hit my belly. I scraped my knee and really hurt my shoulder though. I think my shoulder took the worst of the fall and it hit the cement while the hose cushioned my belly. Hopefully it will start feeling better soon but right now it hurts to lift my right arm or touch it or lay on it etc.

I'm so tired lately and get out of breath easily. I have a feeling the 3rd trimester is going to kick my butt. Not sure why that just reminded me but my silly family is wondering about what we are going to have Carli call all of her private areas and what she is going to say when she has to go to the bathroom. Honestly haven't thought that far, I'm just wanting to make it to July and meet her right now! It hit me again on the way home from the beach, that in a few weeks we are going to leave the hospital with a baby! Still can't quite believe it.

Last week at the doctor, I had the glucose test. You have to drink this stuff that is straight sugar/syrup and it is horrible! It has to be one of the worst things I've ever tasted. But I got my results back and I don't have gestational diabetes! They said my iron was low though so they put me on some more vitamins! Probably from not eating much meat but I'd much rather have something like low iron that I can correct with a vitamin than diabetes! I gained another 3 lbs at this appointment, so I'm right on track with my 1 lb a week gain.

Caleb put his head on my belly and was listening to her heartbeat over the weekend. She kicked him in the head when he did this though, so she let him know what she thought of his big head pushing on her. She does this to me when I rest my arms on my belly too. She kicks and moves all the time now, I'm wondering if she ever sleeps!

Lots of things going on this week. Tomorrow is my first baby class, Transition to Motherhood. My friend with the same due date is taking it with me so it should be fun. This class is just for the mom's so Caleb is getting out of this one. Then we have our 3D/4D ultrasound this weekend. I'm so excited, it has seemed like it would never get here. I just can't wait to see what she looks like or who she looks like.


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