Thursday, March 11, 2010

4 Months To Go!

Well I've officially been pregnant too long now, it's gone to my brain! I got an email today that said automatic and I read amniotic. I had to reread that one because I was sure an accountant was not emailing me about my pregnancy especially not about my amniotic fluid.

I didn't have time to write much this week I had an auditor and all kinds of craziness at work. But I'll do my best to catch everyone up. I can't believe tomorrow is Friday already though, I'm not sure where this week has gone. As of tomorrow (3/12) I have only 4 months to go until my due date.

Last weekend I went with two girls I know that are also pregnant to the mall. We are all due within 2 days of each other so that was alot of fun to chit chat and hang out with people going through the same things, and of course then no one feels like they are talking about themselves or their baby too much. I'm the only one having a girl though so I shopped in the little girls sections while they were in the boy sections. They are both excited about their boys but jealous at how much more fun it is to shop for girls. I tried to limit myself because I'm sure I'll get lots of clothes for gifts but I couldn't resist a few adorable tiny outfits I saw. I can't believe how little these clothes are. I love the things that look like something I would wear, like when babies are dressed like mini grown-ups. And wow does shopping wear me out these days, I used to could (thats one of those southern sayings usetacould) shop and shop and never get tired but I was exhausted and my feet were throbbing after a few hours.

The weather was so gorgeous for a few days, I really got spoiled. I got to wear some of my new maternity clothes for a change. Sunshine and warm weather always make me happy! Makes you grateful for everything you have. Now its rainy and yuck so I'm praying for the sun to come back!

We are so close to being done on the nursery now. We got the mattress for the twin bad so that is all set up. We got the letters for her name painted and the ribbon to hang them. We are going to try to do that tonight. I'll take a picture when its up and everyone can see what her name is...for the most part I've kept it a secret this long so what's another day or two. Caleb is getting the railing done so the dresser will be a changing table soon. Then I have some sewing to do. I'm making the changing table pad and a bunch of pillows for the beds. Should be interesting to see how those things turn out, I don't have much experience with a sewing machine. The only other things we have left are if I find any pictures or anything I want to hang and I'd like to put a few book shelves up. But nothing we couldn't do without.

Caleb is finally done with P90X that crazy workout program he did. Its been nice to have my husband back and not trying to work around his workouts every night. So we've had a lot more time to get things done this week. With him working out every single day though it made it easier for me to want to do my workouts though. So I took a few days off from working out (besides walking the dogs in the awesome weather) and finally made myself get back on the treadmill last night.

My sister-in-law is pregnant with baby number 2 now so our little one will have a cousin the same age. They will be about 3 - 4 months apart depending exactly when these babies make their arrivals. So I think that will be a lot of fun especially since we see them pretty often. We will have the first grandchild on my side of the family but on his side she will be the 9th (7th biological, Caleb's brother's girlfriend has 2 kids we claim).

I also had my first stranger ask me when I was due this week. I was soooo excited because that means I officially look pregnant no more wondering or feeling like I just look chubby! When us preggo girls went to the mall we walked by a group of people waiting in the check out line and one lady said "LOOK, they are all pregnant!" It was so funny, but I guess it is strange to see 3 of us out together.


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