Monday, February 8, 2010

18 Weeks! Almost Halfway!

I'm officially 18 weeks today, with 22 weeks to go! I read today that my uterus is the size of cantaloupe! And I believe it, my belly is hard all the way to my belly button now. This little girl is taking over my body, slowly but surely :) Actually not slowly, its amazing how fast it all happens and how your body can make a baby in just 40 weeks! This week, I have gotten quite a few comments from people along the lines of "poor Caleb is having a girl". It's so funny to me, even Caleb's family and friends are shocked to hear that he wanted a girl.

We went to Winterplace (in West Virginia) this weekend for a ski trip with some of Caleb's friends. Of course I couldn't ski so I was stuck in the condo all weekend. I planned on walking down to the lodge (driving was not an option we barely made it up the mountain in the first place) but with all the snow they got it wasn't safe for me to attempt. The snow in some places came almost to my knees. I think everyone had a good time though, I did get a little bored during the day though. I sat around and did things like paint my fingernails, which I never do! The 4Runner was STUCK when we tried to leave yesterday so after lots of shoveling snow all 4 guys pushed and I had to drive to finally get us out. Once we got down the mountain the highways were totally clear so it was a much easier to get home than it was to get there, we had to drive in the snow, rain and ice.

I try not to be a complainer but I have complained about lunch yet? I never thought deli meat was such a staple in my diet, but its nearly impossible to pack a lunch without it. I don't think I can eat another peanut butter sandwich. But I know its not healthy to eat out all the time and it's not good for my budget. So lunch is a huge challenge for me, I end up snacking most days til dinner time.

During the ultrasound, when the tech was pushing so hard on my stomach I thought I felt the baby so I was determined to try to feel her again. So I was laying in the bed the other night pushing and poking at my belly and I could swear she pushed back. I told Caleb and of course his first response is you probably have gas! But in the last few days I haven't felt it like I did those two times but I'm sure soon I'll feel her all the time. I think I'm most looking forward to this part when I'm sure what I'm feeling is the baby.

I have woken up two nights now with horrible pain in my hips! I hate this sleeping on my side business. Most of my weight is on my hips laying that way and I curl my legs up which both things are probably causing it, along with the fact that more of my weight now is in my middle. As soon as I straighten my legs it helps with most of the pain but I can't sleep with my legs straight unless I'm on my back which is a big no-no! Oh boy, here comes all of the pregnancy pains!

Well after work today, I'm heading to Lowe's to get paint samples. I narrowed it down to two shades of yellow. So I'm going to try to get Caleb to paint some small sections this week so by the weekend I can make a final decision and get the painting done in the nursery. I'm crossing my fingers my dad will be available to help this weekend. Anyone else interested in helping? The painting party will start bright and early Saturday morning. And early for us means after 10:00 am or whenever the dogs get up, whichever happens first.

I'll take my updated belly pictures tonight so hopefully I can post them tomorrow.


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