Tuesday, June 29, 2010

38 Weeks! We are so close!

Officially less than 2 weeks until my due date now. We are so close but I'm starting to feel like I'm going to be pregnant forever. Which is completely the wrong attitude because it is going to make each day drag on forever. I'm just so excited for her to get here and finally meet her and see what she looks like and what her little personality will be like.

Now that I'm working from home, Caleb says I'm a work-a-holic. I guess I just want to stay on top of things because I don't want to get caught off guard and leave a mess for everyone I work with. When I'm laying in bed now (I don't sleep well as I've mentioned) now I end up feeling like I should just get up and get things done whether its work or cleaning house or what not.

I go back to the doctor today so we will find out today if I've started dialating or not. I would LOVE for them to tell me I might should go home and get my bags and head on my way to the hospital to have this baby. But that is definitely wishful thinking.

I can tell my body is getting ready for delivery because all my muscles and joints are all loose and relaxed. I think that's why things are getting so achy. I walked the dogs by myself the other day and I limped around the house the rest of the night. My hips and back couldn't handle all strength required to walk 2 dogs that weigh 70 and 90 lbs. So now I have to make Caleb go with me so he can handle those two pups.

My sister-in-law was in town this weekend with her husband and my niece. We were hoping I would go into labor while they were here but I'm still pregnant! We went to the mall and did a lot of walking. Then we started talking to another pregnant girl in the Baby Depot who said her and her sister both took Castor Oil when they were pregnant before and both had their babies the same day. So everyone convinced me we should try this. I had no idea we would find Castor Oil in the laxative section of CVS so I started thinking I might regret this decision. But after double checking this was a safe thing for me to take I gave in. I think I have a stomach made of steel though because it really didn't bother me and I didn't have any contractions. Caleb said if I'm still pregnant next week maybe we'll try again. I'm not so sure I'm up for drinking that disgusting stuff again though!

Last night I dreamed that we had the baby and surprise it was a boy. What a shock that would be. But I've had 5 ultrasounds so this is definitely a baby girl!

I don't think I've had any contractions yet, not even braxton hicks. But with this being my first baby its hard to know what I'm looking for. So hopefully we don't make any trips to the doctor or hospital to find out it's a false alarm. Well I will try to keep everyone posted if I go into labor! Cross your fingers it's soon!


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