Tuesday, May 11, 2010

31 Weeks! 2 More Months!

Now we are officially down to single digits for how many weeks we have left! Tomorrow will be 2 months away from our due date. I have another doctor's appointment tomorrow then I start going every two weeks for a while then every week at the end.

I've started noticing how bad my balance has gotten with my new figure! I am definitely growing much faster now that I'm at the end than I was at the beginning. When Carli kicks I can feel her right below my ribs now. From what I hear that is going to be very painful when she gets up under them completely. Carli seems to have the hiccups all the time. It has got to be frustrating to hiccup so much. It makes me laugh when she really starts moving around and I can see my belly jump and vibrate.

We are still trying to get little projects done around the house. It's getting harder for me to help though. I can only stand on my feet for so long before they just can't take it anymore. And if my feet aren't hurting it's likely something else is aching. We planted bushes along the deck so my back was fairly sore after that. I was trying to clean all the trim yesterday and all that squatting and bending over wasn't easy. I did a few rooms and decided that project was going to have to be spread out over several days. It's been uncomfortable to bend over for awhile and now I know that's because her head is right there.

I finally went and bought new foam so I could finish the changing table pad since the dogs ate the last one. So while Caleb was out of town all weekend I managed to get that done between all of the wedding cakes I helped with. We got pictures hung up in the nursery last week too so there is nothing else to do in there.

We had Childbirth classes Monday, Tuesday then Infant CPR and Taking Care of Baby classes on Sunday. So we have been busy. All of the classes were helpful, most of the taking care of baby things I knew but it still helped to have a refresher. The childbirth classes were great, I feel much more prepared and less nervous about the whole labor and delivery process now. I told Caleb, I feel like I'm ready now so let's get it over with while I still feel good about it. He said "Umm, I'm pretty sure you may be ready now but Carli's not so you're gonna have to wait." The delivery part is really the only part I've been nervous about, I'm so excited to meet Carli and bring her home. I know Caleb will be a great dad and I feel like I've been ready to be a mom.

I went out to lunch and had my first stranger rub my belly. I wanted to tell her I was not Buddha, it was extremely ackward. I don't think I would ever feel the urge to touch a stranger's belly. Family and friends don't bother me at all, I've of course had plenty of that, but a crazy waitress was just to strange.

We have our first baby shower this weekend in Randleman, then the following weekend is our shower at our house. So this weekend while all of us girls were together we got our game plan together as far as decorations and games and of course food! Now I suppose that means I have to clean house, blah, the only downside to have a shower at your own house. I'll have plenty of help though so it won't be too bad. I'm looking forward to both of our showers, they should be lots of fun.


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