Tuesday, February 2, 2010

It's a girl!!

So after all of the counting down, the big day finally got here for our ultrasound. I'm sure Caleb was excited for multiple reasons one of which being he didn't have to listen to me remind him how many more days left til we find out what we we're having. I had the ultrasound and then a doctor's appointment right afterwards so I had strict orders that I was to send a text message as soon as I found out and not to leave everyone waiting. Getting on the elevator going up Caleb realized as many girls in this family if we end up having a girl he is seriously going to be out numbered! So the lady starts the ultrasound and we immediately think its a boy but come to find out what we saw between the legs was just the umbilical cord. I guess there is a reason you have to have training for that job! At first she was 90% sure that it was a girl because she didn't see any little parts (her wording) between the legs so of course we had her keep searching! She was moving like crazy so we finally got a shot of her mooning us so then she was certain it was a girl we are having. Its so fun to say she and her now instead of calling her an it. I always hated saying it. Of course Caleb forgot to wear his contacts so he about broke his neck standing right under the screen trying to see everything. Its amazing how much you can see already especially compared to the last ultrasound. We could see every lil finger and toe (and LOTS of other bones too!). She is about 6 oz now and her heart rate is 154. Everything looked perfect and she is measuring right on track for July 12th! I really enjoyed the ultrasound and seeing the progress she is making so now I'm tempted to do the 3D ultrasound when I get further along (birthday present?). Surprisingly as big and round as I feel like I'm getting in the middle I haven't gained any weight this month, so my total is still under 3lbs. Does that mean I can have a Macado's brownie sundae, because that sounds amazing??!!!

Well we got almost 6 inches of snow at our house over the weekend. The dogs loved it, especially Diesel. If he wasn't outside playing in it he was sitting at the door crying (he alternated between the front and back door). The two of them would run and chase each other then get tired and just eat the snow. Caleb would throw snow balls in the air and they would try to catch them or fetch them and were thoroughly confused when they snowball busted in their face or they couldn't find the snowball among all the other snow! It was hilarious to watch. With the snow covering the deck though the two of them couldn't grasp the concept that they could make yellow snow in the yard but not on the deck so we kept having to scrap up the snow on the deck everytime they went to the bathroom! They might not be the brightest but they are my babies til this little girl makes her appearance! Luckily both Diesel and Bentley do amazing with babies and kids. Not so amazing with baby toys so we will have to figure out a solution to that one when the time comes!

Besides all of the playing we did in the snow, we actually got lots of projects done around the house while we were snowed in. We put another shelf in the baby's closet and redid all of the electrical in there (the outlets were all mismatched and tan). We put a dimmer that actually works so when I have to get up for all those middle of the night feedings I dont have to turn the bright lights on. I have a feeling that might be one of my favorite things about the nursery :) I am not a morning person so that part is going to kill me!

If you don't know this about me already, I'm a little overly organized & prepared, some might use the word anal lol. So forever ago I started this list of names I liked and just kept adding to it. I decided while we were snowed in I should separate the list into boys and girls so after the ultrasound it would be easier. Caleb had basically refused to talk about baby names until we knew the sex but when he saw how long the list was he gave in. He figured he better get some of this over with, we started with almost 400 names. We narrowed the boy names down and had agreed on our favorite (Mason Blake). So easy then we got to girls not so easy. We still have close to 10 names, none of which we LOVE yet. So that will be a challenge but luckily we still have a few more months to decide.

After all my appointments I went shopping with my mom and sister to pick out all of the fabric for the bedding and curtains in the baby's room. We went to this crazy warehouse in Gastonia called Mary Jo's. I have never seen so much fabric in my life. But after several hours we had made our final decisions and even had some extra fabric to make the changing table pad cover and lots of pillows! I'm having the bedding and curtains made but I'm going to make the changing pad and cover and attempt some pillows. We'll see how that goes! I'm so excited to see how everything turns out. Now I can pick out paint and put my dad and Caleb to work! Speaking of shopping, I have to tell on Gran because I thought it was so funny. I called her after I finally left the doctor and got on the road and she had already been to the knitting store to buy pink yarn and was on her way home to knit a blanket for her great granddaughter! She didn't waste any time when she got my text message. I'm so glad everyone is as excited about this baby as we are!

I'm realizing looking at how long my posts are getting that writing on here once a week might not be enough. I'm going to try to write more often so you don't have to read a whole book every week.


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