Tuesday, June 8, 2010

5 Weeks Left! So close!

I really can't believe how close I am getting. Only about 5 weeks to go. Everyone thinks she will come early, but I guess no way to know for sure though. I go back to the doctor tomorrow so maybe they will have a better idea.

We did get the car seat put in last week. It is so weird to me to look in the rearview mirror and see it there. It will be even crazier to look in the mirror and see a baby in that car seat soon. I feel like I've done everything I can to get ready for Carli that now I'm just coming up with random things to do that aren't necessary (I even organized the diapers by size). I guess that's what they call nesting. I'm trying to keep the car and house clean so I don't get caught off guard when she comes. I've about had enough preparing for her though, I'm just ready for her to get here.

I'm starting to swell a little bit now, so should be interesting to see how much weight I gain when I go to the doctor this week. By interesting I mean I'm not sure I want to know. The past couple days I've been struggling to get my wedding rings on and off. I think I'm going to have to go the last couple weeks without them so they don't get stuck or have to be cut off when my finger turns purple. I can notice some swelling in my ankles too. I'm glad I at least made it this far without that problem.

I can't even imagine how cramped her living quarters are getting these days. She has to be completely out of room in there. This past week I even started to feel her hiccups on the outside. Even the small movements that only I could feel before you can see/feel now. When she really starts kicking and twisting and turning it is pretty funny to watch my belly.

I went to the pool this weekend and did some swimming. It actually was really nice because my belly was weightless and nothing hurt while I was swimming around the pool. It gets heavy carrying all of this weight around my middle all of the time. I wish I could go more often, I see now why it is great exercise for pregnant women.

I finally got my maternity leave and job situation figured out. Huge relief. So I now have someone to cover for me during my maternity leave and then I'll be able to work from home part-time after that. I started packing up my office yesterday so that next week I can get setup and start working from home permanently.

Caleb realized the other night that he could turn the fan up even higher in our bedroom. And it is WONDERFUL. It has at least solved one of my sleeping problems because now I am cool enough at night. The first night though was very comical. I woke up for one of my many bathroom trips and looked over at Caleb who was freezing his butt off. He was bundled under the sheet, his blanket and the comforter doubled over and wrapped all the way up to his neck. And I felt great with just my sheet on the other side of the bed. So I can't say he hasn't sacrificed at least a little bit during this pregnancy! :)


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