Tuesday, July 13, 2010

40 Weeks and Counting!

Well we are officially past our due date! I really didn't think I would make it to my due date. I was sure Carli was going to be early. Oh well here we are. When I look back and think though the time really has flown. Back in November when I found out I was pregnant this day seemed so far away.

I went to the doctor last week and I was still 1cm but 80% effaced. They wanted to do an ultrasound to check on the size of the baby because I was measuring 42 weeks. The doctor said for me to have an 8lb baby would just be huge for as small as I am. So I went back for an ultrasound and she was 7lbs 13oz on Wednesday, which puts her in the 62nd percentile. I waited to see a doctor to see what they thought. It's hard flipping between the two doctors because I feel like they both have different opinions but this doctor said that people have 8 and 9 lb babies all the time so it was nothing to worry about. She said it just told them that if I went into labor and things were progressing and then suddenly stopped for no reason it would indicate to the doctor's that the baby was to big for me.

I was hoping all week I would have the baby but I made it to my appointment today still pregnant. They really don't like to let you go more than a week past your due date anymore so we talked about being induced. She said it was ultimately up to me, we were definitely in the safety zone at this point. It puts me at a slighty higher risk for a c-section being induced but so does waiting and letting the baby continue to get bigger. At this point she is easily over 8 lbs. So after lots of stressing over it, Caleb and I decided we should just schedule to be induced on Friday. So unless she decides to come before then I'll be having a baby on Friday. I feel like letting things happen naturally just has to be better, so I'm really hoping she does but we'll see.

As much as I don't want to have to be induced, I do see why people like it. It is convenient. It takes the stress out of it all. I can clean up the house the night before then I can plan to get up in time to have breakfast, shower, load up the car, etc. It kind of eliminates the hectic rushing around and panic of labor. We decided to drop the dogs off at doggie camp for the few days we are in the hospital so no one has to worry about watching them for us, so we will even have time to drop them off Friday morning.

Sunday we ended up getting free tickets to see Toby Keith from one of Caleb's co-workers. So we decided even with it one day before my due date we just couldn't pass up free Toby tickets. I bet I had 10 people ask me when I was due while we were walking around (usually making trips to the bathroom) and it was pretty funny to see everyone's reaction when you answer "tomorrow." Some people thought I was joking, some thought I was crazy, some thought I was brave and one guy said "you know you are setting her up to be a redneck don't ya?" It was a lot of walking and I was pooped by the time we got home but we did have fun.

It is nice to see the light at the end of the tunnel now that we have a date scheduled though. It's getting really hard to do things (bending over is next to impossible) and I am so achy all of the time. My back is really hurting and I have so much pressure from the weight of this belly. Technically I'm bigger than anyone my size should ever get measuring 42 weeks. Well worst case I'm only going to be pregnant for 2 more days so I guess I'm going to try to relax and just see what happens. Either she will come on her own or I'll meet her Friday!


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