Tuesday, July 6, 2010

39 Weeks!

Well I have made it to the last week! I wasn't sure I was going to but here we are...I'M STILL PREGNANT! I went to the doctor last Tuesday and I was 1cm dialated and 50% effaced. The doctor said well looks like we might see you over the holiday weekend. So of course I expected to go into labor by today. I almost wish she hadn't made that comment because I'm so anxious to have this baby it was a big disappointment and very frustrating each day that I didn't. Now I kind of feel like I might just be pregnant forever. But they won't let me go more than a week past my due date so I guess regardless the end is near!

It was a very long week. I have had excruciating back pain, lots of cramping and pulling of my uterus muscles and horrible heartburn that has made it difficult to get a good nights sleep. I'm still not sure if I've had any contractions, I'm assuming if I don't think I have then I probably haven't. I also made it until this week that I've had some little stretch marks start popping up. I am hoping to have Carli before she does to much damage in that department :) But I do consider myself very lucky to have even made it this far without them.

It's a little strange, I really feel like I'm just a ticking time bomb. I was under the impression that most women (somewhere in the 85% range) have to have their water broken at the hospital. I asked my mom this week and found out that's how her labor started. So now I'm afraid I could be out in public somewhere and have this big mess and cause a scene. Every time I call someone now they think I might be in labor. I keep testing my dad, he's horrible at keeping his cell phone on him and I want to make sure he doesn't miss the big event!

I'm so ready to have her now that I feel like I could do anything and everything it takes to have this baby. But I told Caleb he should probably ask me that question again once I'm actually in labor and I might change my tune real quick. As each day goes by the better an epidural sounds though. I do horrible with pain, hospitals, etc. so my birth plan is to have no plan. I think we just play it by ear and see what I can handle. I don't want to go in with unrealistic expectations and be disappointed or get too focused on my plan that I can't adapt.

This week we are supposed to hit 100 degrees several days so with Caleb working outside he is really hoping I go into labor so he can start his time off. He is taking two weeks off to spend with me and the baby. I think we are so lucky he is able to do that. It will be great to have his help and for him to be able to bond with Carli as well.

I'm officially handing off my work this afternoon and will be on maternity leave! This will be a big weight off my shoulders. I have plenty of other odds and ends I'd like to get done this week if Carli decides to make us wait a little longer.

Well I am off to the doctor, so we will see how things are looking today. I'm hoping for any progress over last week.


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