Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Less than a month now!

I am down to less than 4 weeks now! I just can't believe it. It seemed like it would never get here but now I look back and think where did the last 8 or so months go!

At my last doctor's appointment I was measuring the same size as someone who should be 38 weeks pregnant so I really look full term. As if I didn't feel huge and the doctor confirming it wasn't enough everyone asks now. Anywhere I go someone asks me when I'm due, how much longer, or I get the "Wow, you're about to pop" comments. So everyone must be thinking watch out for that lady she looks like she could go into labor any second. All my shirts are getting to short now that I'm in the last little stretch. I think I'm going to just have to live in my dresses the last little bit. I refuse to buy bigger maternity clothes when I only need them for a few weeks at the most.

I went to the doctor last week and I gained 4 lbs in 2 weeks! I do not like seeing huge jumps on the scale like that but most of that was probably because of the swelling. I was supposed to start going every week to the doctor once I was 36 weeks but when I went last week I was 35 so they said I could have another 2 week appointment or go ahead and start my 1 week appointments. The doctor went back and forth and decided it wasn't necessary for me to come in next week. When I go back the following week, I'll start getting checked to see if I'm dilating and all that fun stuff.

I got everything moved to the house from my office and started getting it all setup. It has been so nice to be able to work from home the last few days. I'm really trying hard to stay on top of all of my work and not get behind so I don't leave anyone stranded when I go into labor.

With our due date being so close now I feel like Carli could come at any second. It's a little strange walking around not knowing and feeling like you better be prepared at any moment. I wish someone could tell you exactly what day and time you are going to go into labor. I don't suppose that's gonna happen though so until "labor" day comes I guess we will be waiting!


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