Monday, May 3, 2010

Only 10 Weeks Left!

I can't believe I'm 3/4 of the way done! 30 weeks gone with 10 to go! She is already in head down position and is definitely very low. The ultrasound tech and the doctor were both very surprised when they noticed this. I thought that was good news because I don't want a breech baby but now I'm wondering if I could go into labor early. I guess I'll ask at my next doctor's appointment.

The ultrasound Saturday was a lot of fun. We got some great pictures of her and a DVD of the whole thing. We got to see her smiling, swallowing and sticking her tongue out, hiccuping, sucking on her hand, and then sleeping. Looks like she is going to be left handed if Dr. Oz is right about the hand they suck in the womb correlating to which hand they will use later also. She definitely has a personality already because when we would poke at my belly or make noise on it she would react. She threw her hands up like what in the world are you doing. You could tell she had some hair on her little head. She had cute chubby cheeks and is starting to put on some weight now. I'm glad we decided to do the ultrasound it was worth it to see what she looks like and what she is doing right now. Now I can at least kind of picture what she will look like while we wait the next 10 weeks to meet her!

My neighbor that lives directly in front of me came over on Friday when I was watering the flowers and turns out she is pregnant also. She is due just about 2 weeks after me also with a little girl. I am so excited for Carli to have a friend so close to play with. All the other kids in the neighborhood are middle school age and older so now we will have a few little ones on our street.

We went to the Quail Hollow Golf Tournament yesterday when it was 92 degrees outside. We sat under a tree in the shade but it was just miserable we could only stay a few hours. My belly was sweating to my legs and it was just gross! It was fun to go and see some of the pros though but I'm avoiding crazy heat like that until this baby is born. Also that is just to much walking for me at this stage so I'm sticking to walking the dogs and getting on the treadmill where I can stop when I get tired.

Last night we went to see The Backup Plan. I've been dying to see it for months and it is finally out! It was a very cute movie and it was so funny being able to relate to everything they were going through with the pregnancy. I have to say I don't eat like she did in that movie though, but maybe that was normal and I'm abnormal...who knows! :) Before we went to the movie I ran in Target to get some chocolate covered raisins and drinks to take in. The lady at the register said you're having a girl aren't you? Then the lady behind me chimmed in and said she would definitely say I was having a girl too. They swore they could tell by how low I was carrying her and how I had no weight anywhere else but the middle. I guess thats a compliment but just funny for strangers to tell you.

My motherhood class I took last week was great. I loved the teacher she made it entertaining and it was all informative and helpful. We mostly learned about what to expect immediately after delivery and the first few weeks following (physical and emotional). One of those topics people don't talk about much, especially the physical side of things. We did an exercise to show how we allocate our time now and how things are going to change to meet the needs of a newborn. I knew babies took up LOTS of time but it was helpful to see exactly how much, they said on average every 7 to 11 minutes you have to tend to a baby. The next two days we have childbirth class. We are supposed to be dressing comfortably and bringing two pillows and a blanket so I can only imagine what we are going to be doing.

Caleb just got assigned to do some work on this job site in Asheville, so that makes me a little nervous. I guess he doesn't have a choice so hopefully the day I go into labor he will be in town. If he is in Asheville it could potentially take him 4+ hours to get to the hospital if he gets in traffic the wrong time of day. So I'm am going to cross my fingers and start praying to go into labor when he is in town or maybe the middle of the night would be best.


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