Tuesday, February 23, 2010

20 Weeks! Halfway Point!

Here they are, my halfway pictures!

It is still so weird for me to see myself pregnant! We looked at my before pictures tonight and I was speechless looking at the difference. And we are only halfway so I can only imagine how big I'm gonna get in 20 more weeks. I can't believe we are halfway, time has flown by! But on the flip side it also seems like July is never going to get here.

My appetite has definitely started to increase, Caleb noticed it first. He has gotten spoiled because he always gets all my leftovers and now he isn't liking the fact that I can almost clean my plate. I read now the baby is tasting everything I eat so what I eat now can determine what she will like in the future. So I better be eating my fruits and veggies I suppose or else I have no room to complain when she doesn't like them. I know one thing for sure she is going to like spicy food!

We found out this week that the renter at our townhouse is going to stay a lot longer so that was a huge relief. His lease is almost up and we were worried if we couldn't replace him immediately we would be stuck with two mortgages while I'm out of work with the baby. But so far everything has worked out.

We set our baby shower dates this week. So everyone put it on your calendars, of course invitations will get sent closer but unless something changes, May 22 I'll have my shower here in Charlotte and May 16 in Randleman with Calebs family and friends. I guess I better start working on my registries. We also planned one last beach trip for the two of us before the baby comes. So I'm really excited about that. I got a really cute maternity swimsuit to wear too!

We went to my in-laws for the weekend and we had a great time visiting with everyone. I always love seeing all my nieces and nephews. But I didn't sleep in my bed and I've suffered for a few days because of it. I woke up and wanted to cry my hips hurt so bad, I ended up sleeping sitting up most of the night. Between my hips and my back its been a long few nights but each night since has gotten better. Hopefully tonight will be completely back to normal. Well as normal as sleeping when you're pregnant can be. This being pregnant business isn't all its cracked up to be :) Lots of fun parts (I've really been enjoying feeling the baby moving this week) and lots of not so fun parts (Aches and Pains, Heartburn, etc).

Progress on the nursery this week: I'm putting a twin bed in there so we got a box spring and bed frame, now I just need to get the mattress. I have most of the bedding for the twin now. My crib bedding is almost done so I can't wait to see it. I'm trying to find the perfect curtain rods so I can get the curtains up next week also. We need to put one more coat of paint on the dresser and we need new knobs then that will be done. So we are getting there!


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