Monday, May 31, 2010

34 Weeks!

I feel like we are so close but so far still. We really have everything done so now I feel like we are just waiting on Carli to get here.

We cleaned both cars yesterday, inside and out. That was more work than I realized, they were both so dirty. But now we are ready to switch cars. We were going to put the car seat in today but it is pouring rain so probably tomorrow.

We packed our hospital bags over the weekend with the exception of the few things we will grab at the last second because we still need until then. Carli even has her own bag packed! We charged all our cameras and everything too. I got out the manuals for our cameras so I really need to read up on how to use all of these fancy features so I can really take some good pictures/videos of our baby after she is born. The key word being after, the hospital doesn't allow you to film the birth and even if they did I don't think I would want to be filmed giving birth.

I have roughly 6 weeks to go and they are going to be a long 6 weeks. I am hot almost all of the time. I have turned the air down in the house and sleep with no covers or just a sheet and I am still hot. We decided we might as well wash our comforter and put it away for a while because it keeps ending up on the floor. Caleb sleeps with his own blanket anyways, I'm going to freeze him out of the house if I turn the air down anymore.

My balance is horrible these days, I don't understand exactly why that happens but it does. It's the worst if I get up too fast like in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom. I stumble all over the place like if I had too much to drink the night before. I now also have sympathy for people with heartburn. It's been an annoyance for awhile but now it even keeps me up at night. Between bathroom breaks, heartburn, the baby kicking, being hot and uncomfortable, I'm really getting prepared for all of these sleepless nights to come with the baby!

But on a positive note, we are getting really excited for her to get here!!!


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