Tuesday, March 23, 2010

24 Week Belly Picture

Another week gone! 24 down, 16 to go. It is really weird to me to have more weeks behind me than how many I have left. Next week I'll be down to 15 weeks til my due date. For some reason 15 sounds so few to me, I think time will really start flying by after that.

I have been having crazy horrible heartburn. But it's supposed to be a sign that she will have lots of hair! I don't think any babies in my family or Caleb's have been born bald so I'm thinking this could be accurate. We are having a 3D/4D ultrasound done in a few weeks so we ought to be able to find out for sure too. Too bad we won't be able to tell what color hair she will have, I think that is the thing everyone is most curious about because I have blonde hair (used to be almost white when I was young) and Caleb has black hair! My whole life I always imagined having my blonde haired kids so it's going to be a shock if a baby shows up with dark hair, even though I think either is beautiful. I can't wait to see who she looks like and what features she got from who.

It's about that time to start thinking about baby classes! I'm starting to sign up for classes this week. Caleb is soooo excited about it (NOT!) but I think they will be helpful and they are so cheap at $10 a class I think we would be stupid not to take advantage of what the hospital offers. My schedule is really starting to get booked up between baby classes, the Master's, a trip to the beach, baby showers, birthday parties, house projects, and I think you get the point. Should be a crazy 3 months!

I wonder if I'm spending to much time on the baby already and neglecting the dogs. They have been so good, I can't remember when the last time they got into something was but yesterday they pulled everything off the coffee table while I was getting ready for work. They ate two pens, started on my nail polish which luckily didn't bust, ate their doggie finger toothbrush (which Diesel threw up this morning at 4am), and a bottle cap. That's just the things they left evidence of. But it also rained for a few days so they were locked inside and went without their walks so maybe they had some pent up energy! They usually get so much attention they are going to have a little bit of an adjustment when the baby gets here. But they do so good with kids and babies they have been around we aren't worried about that part.

I started sewing all those pillows on the twin bed so I'm about half way done. It took alot more hours than I thought. I had no idea how that project was going to turn out but so far, I'm really impressed with myself. I think if I didn't tell you, you would think I bought them that way. Gran has knitted a blanket for the crib that is so cute and is finishing one for the bed also. It's all just turning out great.


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