Monday, May 31, 2010

34 Weeks!

I feel like we are so close but so far still. We really have everything done so now I feel like we are just waiting on Carli to get here.

We cleaned both cars yesterday, inside and out. That was more work than I realized, they were both so dirty. But now we are ready to switch cars. We were going to put the car seat in today but it is pouring rain so probably tomorrow.

We packed our hospital bags over the weekend with the exception of the few things we will grab at the last second because we still need until then. Carli even has her own bag packed! We charged all our cameras and everything too. I got out the manuals for our cameras so I really need to read up on how to use all of these fancy features so I can really take some good pictures/videos of our baby after she is born. The key word being after, the hospital doesn't allow you to film the birth and even if they did I don't think I would want to be filmed giving birth.

I have roughly 6 weeks to go and they are going to be a long 6 weeks. I am hot almost all of the time. I have turned the air down in the house and sleep with no covers or just a sheet and I am still hot. We decided we might as well wash our comforter and put it away for a while because it keeps ending up on the floor. Caleb sleeps with his own blanket anyways, I'm going to freeze him out of the house if I turn the air down anymore.

My balance is horrible these days, I don't understand exactly why that happens but it does. It's the worst if I get up too fast like in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom. I stumble all over the place like if I had too much to drink the night before. I now also have sympathy for people with heartburn. It's been an annoyance for awhile but now it even keeps me up at night. Between bathroom breaks, heartburn, the baby kicking, being hot and uncomfortable, I'm really getting prepared for all of these sleepless nights to come with the baby!

But on a positive note, we are getting really excited for her to get here!!!

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Doctor's Appointment

Well I went to the doctor yesterday and saw a new doctor. They are starting to rotate me now so I can meet all 3 of the doctor's who could possibly deliver the baby. I really liked this doctor too so that was a relief. She went on and on about how beautiful my belly was without a blemish or stretch mark on it so what's not to love about such a nice doctor :)

I am measuring 37 weeks though instead of 33 so she was afraid I could possibly be having a HUGE baby. My belly doesn't have any fat and is very hard so she could feel how high up the babies feet are and how little room she has left in there. And I told her how much pain and pressure I'm having on my pubic bone and when she felt down there her head is already extremely low. So that explains why I am getting so uncomfortable. I don't think anyone wants to hear the word HUGE when referring to a baby they are going to have to give birth too! So we decided to do an ultrasound to check just so we would be prepared if I was having a really big baby. I did gain 4 lbs the last 2 weeks so now I'm at 19 lbs total! Still looks like my weight should be right where they want it at around 25 - 35 lbs by my due date.

I went back today for my ultrasound and her head isn't measuring too large so we shouldn't have any issues there. She also was in the 48 percentile for weight at about 4 and a half lbs so she is perfectly average size. I didn't get to talk to the doctor so I don't know why I keep measuring further along than I am, must just be because I'm carrying her all front and center. According to the ultrasound my due date is July 7th though so just about a week early. I would be very happy for her to come a little early but we will just have to wait and see when she decides she is ready!

I think it scared me and Caleb enough though about the possibility of Carli coming early so this week I'm definitely going to try to get our bags packed for the hospital. Then we are thinking we may go ahead and switch cars and install the car seat just in case. Hopefully it will be nice this weekend and we can clean out both cars before we switch. Other than that I plan to have a nice relaxing holiday weekend!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

33 Weeks!

It was another busy week, I think things should slow down a little now. At least I hope! I can't believe how close we are getting. She will be considered full term in just a few more weeks.

I did tons and tons of cleaning last week before my baby shower. I had help but it was still exhausting. Now the plan is to just keep the house that clean until the baby comes! The baby shower was so much fun. We thought it was going to rain on us but it cleared up just in time and we had perfect weather. The theme was pickles and ice cream so I have tons of pickles and ice cream left over! We got so many great gifts. Between the two showers we really had most of the necessities covered. We went through everything and did a few exchanges/returns Sunday. Now we are only missing a handful of things so maybe over the holiday weekend I can get the rest of our shopping done.

I can't believe how much laundry I've done for Carli already! All those little clothes, blankets, towels and things add up quickly. Probably will be that way when she is here too with all of the clothes and blankets she could easily go through in a day. And on top of all of that laundry we have decided that we would give cloth diapers a try. I may be out of my mind but worst case we switch back to disposables. I got a great deal on the diapers from a lady who closed her maternity shop so we really won't lose anything if we decide it's not for us. But if it works it will save us a lot of money along with all of the other benefits (good for the environment, less chemicals against Carli's skin, easier to potty-train, etc).

I've almost got everything put away and set up so we are ready when she is. I still need to wash all the bottles and toys that could end up in her mouth and decide where to keep all of those things. I've got to do a little reorganizing of the kitchen to find a place (low enough that I can still reach) to put all of the babies items. Bentley is going crazy over all of the baby toys so they definitely need a safe place until she learns they are not for her, but if it makes any kind of noise she is sure it's for her not the baby.

Back to the doctor tomorrow! I sure will be glad to stop going there all the time at the end of this process. I have to do more bloodwork so hopefully my iron levels are getting closer to where they should be, I've been trying to eat lots of iron rich foods and take my vitamins on time. We will see...

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

32 Week Belly Picture

32 Weeks!

It has been another crazy week. We have been so busy lately and it probably will continue this way until I feel like we are 100% ready. And I think there is no way to be 100% ready so I guess we are going to be busy until Carli makes her appearance.

I went to the doctor last week. Everything still seems to be going well. I go back again in 2 weeks and they will do bloodwork and recheck my iron levels to see if I'm still anemic. They said the baby is taking all the iron she needs so it's just leaving me without enough iron. Her head is still down so that's good, I was a breech baby so I'm glad to know I won't have to worry about that. She is really taking a toll on my lungs but they say that is normal. Until she drops even lower I won't have much lung capacity and will continue to feel out of breath.

We had our first baby shower Sunday. That went really well, the weather was perfect. We had lots of people come and got so much good stuff. We barely got everything home, we even had to buy luggage rack to go on the roof. We had the dogs with us so it was really a tight fit. I had two loads worth of laundry to do and that's alot when you think of how small those little clothes are. Now I'm busy trying to get everything ready for the shower here.

I have not been sleeping well lately. It's getting so hard to get comfortable and I'm getting so big it's hard to roll over. This belly of mine is heavy, I catch myself trying to carry it as I waddle around the house and things. Maybe I should invest in one of those support belt thingys.

My mom highlighted my hair for me this past week. I let the color sit and then she told me it was done so I could go rinse it out. I went upstairs to hang my head over the tub as I always do only to realize that wasn't going to happen. It was pretty funny, I thought about it for a minute and I concluded there was no possible way I was getting this belly out of the way to get bent over the tub. We resorted to the kitchen sink.

We had our last baby class tonight (unless one other class is offered in June). I took Caleb kicking and screaming to Breastfeeding class. He was not looking forward to that class or understanding why in the world he had to go. You have to explain things to Caleb with his wallet in mind though. When I mentioned how expensive a lactation consultant was and that if he could even remember one thing that I didn't we might not have to call one then he changed his tune. I like to think I have my husband figured out pretty well :)

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

31 Weeks! 2 More Months!

Now we are officially down to single digits for how many weeks we have left! Tomorrow will be 2 months away from our due date. I have another doctor's appointment tomorrow then I start going every two weeks for a while then every week at the end.

I've started noticing how bad my balance has gotten with my new figure! I am definitely growing much faster now that I'm at the end than I was at the beginning. When Carli kicks I can feel her right below my ribs now. From what I hear that is going to be very painful when she gets up under them completely. Carli seems to have the hiccups all the time. It has got to be frustrating to hiccup so much. It makes me laugh when she really starts moving around and I can see my belly jump and vibrate.

We are still trying to get little projects done around the house. It's getting harder for me to help though. I can only stand on my feet for so long before they just can't take it anymore. And if my feet aren't hurting it's likely something else is aching. We planted bushes along the deck so my back was fairly sore after that. I was trying to clean all the trim yesterday and all that squatting and bending over wasn't easy. I did a few rooms and decided that project was going to have to be spread out over several days. It's been uncomfortable to bend over for awhile and now I know that's because her head is right there.

I finally went and bought new foam so I could finish the changing table pad since the dogs ate the last one. So while Caleb was out of town all weekend I managed to get that done between all of the wedding cakes I helped with. We got pictures hung up in the nursery last week too so there is nothing else to do in there.

We had Childbirth classes Monday, Tuesday then Infant CPR and Taking Care of Baby classes on Sunday. So we have been busy. All of the classes were helpful, most of the taking care of baby things I knew but it still helped to have a refresher. The childbirth classes were great, I feel much more prepared and less nervous about the whole labor and delivery process now. I told Caleb, I feel like I'm ready now so let's get it over with while I still feel good about it. He said "Umm, I'm pretty sure you may be ready now but Carli's not so you're gonna have to wait." The delivery part is really the only part I've been nervous about, I'm so excited to meet Carli and bring her home. I know Caleb will be a great dad and I feel like I've been ready to be a mom.

I went out to lunch and had my first stranger rub my belly. I wanted to tell her I was not Buddha, it was extremely ackward. I don't think I would ever feel the urge to touch a stranger's belly. Family and friends don't bother me at all, I've of course had plenty of that, but a crazy waitress was just to strange.

We have our first baby shower this weekend in Randleman, then the following weekend is our shower at our house. So this weekend while all of us girls were together we got our game plan together as far as decorations and games and of course food! Now I suppose that means I have to clean house, blah, the only downside to have a shower at your own house. I'll have plenty of help though so it won't be too bad. I'm looking forward to both of our showers, they should be lots of fun.

Monday, May 3, 2010

30 Week Belly Picture

3D/4D Ultrasound

Only 10 Weeks Left!

I can't believe I'm 3/4 of the way done! 30 weeks gone with 10 to go! She is already in head down position and is definitely very low. The ultrasound tech and the doctor were both very surprised when they noticed this. I thought that was good news because I don't want a breech baby but now I'm wondering if I could go into labor early. I guess I'll ask at my next doctor's appointment.

The ultrasound Saturday was a lot of fun. We got some great pictures of her and a DVD of the whole thing. We got to see her smiling, swallowing and sticking her tongue out, hiccuping, sucking on her hand, and then sleeping. Looks like she is going to be left handed if Dr. Oz is right about the hand they suck in the womb correlating to which hand they will use later also. She definitely has a personality already because when we would poke at my belly or make noise on it she would react. She threw her hands up like what in the world are you doing. You could tell she had some hair on her little head. She had cute chubby cheeks and is starting to put on some weight now. I'm glad we decided to do the ultrasound it was worth it to see what she looks like and what she is doing right now. Now I can at least kind of picture what she will look like while we wait the next 10 weeks to meet her!

My neighbor that lives directly in front of me came over on Friday when I was watering the flowers and turns out she is pregnant also. She is due just about 2 weeks after me also with a little girl. I am so excited for Carli to have a friend so close to play with. All the other kids in the neighborhood are middle school age and older so now we will have a few little ones on our street.

We went to the Quail Hollow Golf Tournament yesterday when it was 92 degrees outside. We sat under a tree in the shade but it was just miserable we could only stay a few hours. My belly was sweating to my legs and it was just gross! It was fun to go and see some of the pros though but I'm avoiding crazy heat like that until this baby is born. Also that is just to much walking for me at this stage so I'm sticking to walking the dogs and getting on the treadmill where I can stop when I get tired.

Last night we went to see The Backup Plan. I've been dying to see it for months and it is finally out! It was a very cute movie and it was so funny being able to relate to everything they were going through with the pregnancy. I have to say I don't eat like she did in that movie though, but maybe that was normal and I'm abnormal...who knows! :) Before we went to the movie I ran in Target to get some chocolate covered raisins and drinks to take in. The lady at the register said you're having a girl aren't you? Then the lady behind me chimmed in and said she would definitely say I was having a girl too. They swore they could tell by how low I was carrying her and how I had no weight anywhere else but the middle. I guess thats a compliment but just funny for strangers to tell you.

My motherhood class I took last week was great. I loved the teacher she made it entertaining and it was all informative and helpful. We mostly learned about what to expect immediately after delivery and the first few weeks following (physical and emotional). One of those topics people don't talk about much, especially the physical side of things. We did an exercise to show how we allocate our time now and how things are going to change to meet the needs of a newborn. I knew babies took up LOTS of time but it was helpful to see exactly how much, they said on average every 7 to 11 minutes you have to tend to a baby. The next two days we have childbirth class. We are supposed to be dressing comfortably and bringing two pillows and a blanket so I can only imagine what we are going to be doing.

Caleb just got assigned to do some work on this job site in Asheville, so that makes me a little nervous. I guess he doesn't have a choice so hopefully the day I go into labor he will be in town. If he is in Asheville it could potentially take him 4+ hours to get to the hospital if he gets in traffic the wrong time of day. So I'm am going to cross my fingers and start praying to go into labor when he is in town or maybe the middle of the night would be best.