Tuesday, January 26, 2010

16 Weeks - Getting Bigger Everyday!

I can’t believe how fast time is flying. This baby is really going to be here before we know it. We ordered the crib mattress this week (of course I waited until they went on sale!) and it should be here tomorrow. We decided to use my dresser I had growing up for the baby. We are going to paint it to match the crib and add trim to the top to make it a changing table also. And by we I mean Caleb :) I’m not supposed to paint while I’m pregnant, how convenient Caleb says. We got new dressers for our bedroom over the weekend so now I’ve just got to get Caleb to work and I’ll probably recruit my Dad for some help so they can knock out all the painting at once (the walls in the nursery, the dresser and finish the door). I’m trying to go later this week to pick out all the fabric so I can have the bedding made for the crib. I couldn’t find anything I absolutely loved and when I had the seamstress price the pieces, it will be just as cheap or cheaper to have those things custom made.

Speaking of all of these baby items, there are so many recalls and safety issues to worry about these days. There was millions of cribs and strollers recalled because of children suffocating with the drop side cribs and fingers being amputated by the hinges on certain strollers. It’s unbelievable, I can’t even imagine what I would do if something like that happened!

I am really enjoying being pregnant now. I feel great finally and have most of my energy back. So I’m gonna keep trying to cross things off my list (okay lists with an s on the end because I have lists everywhere haha) while I can.

Danielle (Sister-in-law) gave me some of her maternity clothes, so today I’m actually wearing maternity britches! So much more comfortable not to have something digging in. Now I can make it awhile longer without needing to go shopping. Needing and wanting to go shopping are two different things though, I did go to Gap Maternity and buy a sweater I just had to have yesterday.

Just one week from today until the ultrasound. I can hardly stand it, I’m so ready for Tuesday to get here. I feel like I should have a feeling one way or the other but I don't. One day I think okay its a girl, the next day nope its a boy. I'm just so excited to be pregnant and having a baby I could care less which we have. Caleb swears he doesn't care one way or the other either. At some point when we were just starting to talk about having kids he thought he would want to have Daddy's little girl, and enjoy how affectionate and loving girls can be. Now its back to he doesn't care, I think he still wants his little sports star too though. I'm left handed so he is hoping for a left handed pitcher haha. I read that you can tell in an ultrasound this early if the baby is left handed or right handed by which thumb they suck. So we will see if we have a thumb sucker yet. But it looks like the majority of people think its going to be a girl. So we will see!


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