Tuesday, July 13, 2010

40 Week Belly Picture!

I didn't think I'd be taking this picture but here it is! This will definitely be the last belly picture!

40 Weeks and Counting!

Well we are officially past our due date! I really didn't think I would make it to my due date. I was sure Carli was going to be early. Oh well here we are. When I look back and think though the time really has flown. Back in November when I found out I was pregnant this day seemed so far away.

I went to the doctor last week and I was still 1cm but 80% effaced. They wanted to do an ultrasound to check on the size of the baby because I was measuring 42 weeks. The doctor said for me to have an 8lb baby would just be huge for as small as I am. So I went back for an ultrasound and she was 7lbs 13oz on Wednesday, which puts her in the 62nd percentile. I waited to see a doctor to see what they thought. It's hard flipping between the two doctors because I feel like they both have different opinions but this doctor said that people have 8 and 9 lb babies all the time so it was nothing to worry about. She said it just told them that if I went into labor and things were progressing and then suddenly stopped for no reason it would indicate to the doctor's that the baby was to big for me.

I was hoping all week I would have the baby but I made it to my appointment today still pregnant. They really don't like to let you go more than a week past your due date anymore so we talked about being induced. She said it was ultimately up to me, we were definitely in the safety zone at this point. It puts me at a slighty higher risk for a c-section being induced but so does waiting and letting the baby continue to get bigger. At this point she is easily over 8 lbs. So after lots of stressing over it, Caleb and I decided we should just schedule to be induced on Friday. So unless she decides to come before then I'll be having a baby on Friday. I feel like letting things happen naturally just has to be better, so I'm really hoping she does but we'll see.

As much as I don't want to have to be induced, I do see why people like it. It is convenient. It takes the stress out of it all. I can clean up the house the night before then I can plan to get up in time to have breakfast, shower, load up the car, etc. It kind of eliminates the hectic rushing around and panic of labor. We decided to drop the dogs off at doggie camp for the few days we are in the hospital so no one has to worry about watching them for us, so we will even have time to drop them off Friday morning.

Sunday we ended up getting free tickets to see Toby Keith from one of Caleb's co-workers. So we decided even with it one day before my due date we just couldn't pass up free Toby tickets. I bet I had 10 people ask me when I was due while we were walking around (usually making trips to the bathroom) and it was pretty funny to see everyone's reaction when you answer "tomorrow." Some people thought I was joking, some thought I was crazy, some thought I was brave and one guy said "you know you are setting her up to be a redneck don't ya?" It was a lot of walking and I was pooped by the time we got home but we did have fun.

It is nice to see the light at the end of the tunnel now that we have a date scheduled though. It's getting really hard to do things (bending over is next to impossible) and I am so achy all of the time. My back is really hurting and I have so much pressure from the weight of this belly. Technically I'm bigger than anyone my size should ever get measuring 42 weeks. Well worst case I'm only going to be pregnant for 2 more days so I guess I'm going to try to relax and just see what happens. Either she will come on her own or I'll meet her Friday!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

39 Weeks!

Well I have made it to the last week! I wasn't sure I was going to but here we are...I'M STILL PREGNANT! I went to the doctor last Tuesday and I was 1cm dialated and 50% effaced. The doctor said well looks like we might see you over the holiday weekend. So of course I expected to go into labor by today. I almost wish she hadn't made that comment because I'm so anxious to have this baby it was a big disappointment and very frustrating each day that I didn't. Now I kind of feel like I might just be pregnant forever. But they won't let me go more than a week past my due date so I guess regardless the end is near!

It was a very long week. I have had excruciating back pain, lots of cramping and pulling of my uterus muscles and horrible heartburn that has made it difficult to get a good nights sleep. I'm still not sure if I've had any contractions, I'm assuming if I don't think I have then I probably haven't. I also made it until this week that I've had some little stretch marks start popping up. I am hoping to have Carli before she does to much damage in that department :) But I do consider myself very lucky to have even made it this far without them.

It's a little strange, I really feel like I'm just a ticking time bomb. I was under the impression that most women (somewhere in the 85% range) have to have their water broken at the hospital. I asked my mom this week and found out that's how her labor started. So now I'm afraid I could be out in public somewhere and have this big mess and cause a scene. Every time I call someone now they think I might be in labor. I keep testing my dad, he's horrible at keeping his cell phone on him and I want to make sure he doesn't miss the big event!

I'm so ready to have her now that I feel like I could do anything and everything it takes to have this baby. But I told Caleb he should probably ask me that question again once I'm actually in labor and I might change my tune real quick. As each day goes by the better an epidural sounds though. I do horrible with pain, hospitals, etc. so my birth plan is to have no plan. I think we just play it by ear and see what I can handle. I don't want to go in with unrealistic expectations and be disappointed or get too focused on my plan that I can't adapt.

This week we are supposed to hit 100 degrees several days so with Caleb working outside he is really hoping I go into labor so he can start his time off. He is taking two weeks off to spend with me and the baby. I think we are so lucky he is able to do that. It will be great to have his help and for him to be able to bond with Carli as well.

I'm officially handing off my work this afternoon and will be on maternity leave! This will be a big weight off my shoulders. I have plenty of other odds and ends I'd like to get done this week if Carli decides to make us wait a little longer.

Well I am off to the doctor, so we will see how things are looking today. I'm hoping for any progress over last week.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

38 Week Belly Picture

38 Weeks! We are so close!

Officially less than 2 weeks until my due date now. We are so close but I'm starting to feel like I'm going to be pregnant forever. Which is completely the wrong attitude because it is going to make each day drag on forever. I'm just so excited for her to get here and finally meet her and see what she looks like and what her little personality will be like.

Now that I'm working from home, Caleb says I'm a work-a-holic. I guess I just want to stay on top of things because I don't want to get caught off guard and leave a mess for everyone I work with. When I'm laying in bed now (I don't sleep well as I've mentioned) now I end up feeling like I should just get up and get things done whether its work or cleaning house or what not.

I go back to the doctor today so we will find out today if I've started dialating or not. I would LOVE for them to tell me I might should go home and get my bags and head on my way to the hospital to have this baby. But that is definitely wishful thinking.

I can tell my body is getting ready for delivery because all my muscles and joints are all loose and relaxed. I think that's why things are getting so achy. I walked the dogs by myself the other day and I limped around the house the rest of the night. My hips and back couldn't handle all strength required to walk 2 dogs that weigh 70 and 90 lbs. So now I have to make Caleb go with me so he can handle those two pups.

My sister-in-law was in town this weekend with her husband and my niece. We were hoping I would go into labor while they were here but I'm still pregnant! We went to the mall and did a lot of walking. Then we started talking to another pregnant girl in the Baby Depot who said her and her sister both took Castor Oil when they were pregnant before and both had their babies the same day. So everyone convinced me we should try this. I had no idea we would find Castor Oil in the laxative section of CVS so I started thinking I might regret this decision. But after double checking this was a safe thing for me to take I gave in. I think I have a stomach made of steel though because it really didn't bother me and I didn't have any contractions. Caleb said if I'm still pregnant next week maybe we'll try again. I'm not so sure I'm up for drinking that disgusting stuff again though!

Last night I dreamed that we had the baby and surprise it was a boy. What a shock that would be. But I've had 5 ultrasounds so this is definitely a baby girl!

I don't think I've had any contractions yet, not even braxton hicks. But with this being my first baby its hard to know what I'm looking for. So hopefully we don't make any trips to the doctor or hospital to find out it's a false alarm. Well I will try to keep everyone posted if I go into labor! Cross your fingers it's soon!

Monday, June 21, 2010

37 Weeks, Full Term!

We made it to 37 weeks, she is officially full term now. Which means she can come at any time and we should have nothing to worry about. So I'm trying to figure out how to convince her to come out tomorrow :) My mom and sister are having an extremely crazy week though with 3 weddings so they are hoping she waits one more week and let's them get through the weekend. After that I might get desperate to get her out and start trying to do anything I can to bring on labor. Most of those things are probably just myths though but can't hurt to try!

She is completely under my ribs now so it's getting very painful depending how I'm sitting and how she is sitting. I keep trying to lean back to get her out of my ribs but then I end up with an achy back so I don't think I am going to win this battle. I'm just going to have to tough it out.

Well I went to the doctor today. I keep thinking they are going to start checking me to see if I'm dialating and they put that off one more week. They said usually with 3 weeks to go being a first time mom there is no activity down there at this point so no reason to put me through the pain. I actually lost a pound in the last two weeks so maybe my swelling is down today. But the baby's heart rate was great, my blood pressure was great, and everything seemed perfectly normal. I asked about all the pain and pressure I have in my pelvic area and she said it's definitely her head. For someone as small as me it's a lot harder on my body to carry the same size baby as someone who was much bigger starting out than I was. Basically the doctor said I'm just going to have to deal with the pain but the good news is I probably won't have to push as long as most when I get to that stage of labor since she is already down so low. I do have Group B Strep which is just a bacteria that is harmless to me but not good for the baby. So they are going to put me on antibiotics when I get to the hospital so I don't pass it to the baby during birth. Just one of those things a lot of women have and they deal with all the time but it shouldn't be a big deal.

I have been needing to decide on a pediatrician so I finally called and did that today. I had several people refer me to this doctor now so I feel good about it. They keep a doctor at the hospital during the week and a doctor on call on the weekends so they will meet us there on delivery day to check on Carli.

I've been very lucky and still no stretch marks so I'm hoping to have Carli before any decide to pop up! I haven't been walking as much as I was because it's getting so hard/painful. Caleb went with me last night to walk the dogs and I realized how slow I really have gotten. You can only waddle so fast I guess plus the smaller the steps the easier it is on my body.

This last little bit is going to be hard but the end is getting closer! And we are so close to meeting our little girl!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

36 Week Belly Picture