Tuesday, February 23, 2010

20 Weeks! Halfway Point!

Here they are, my halfway pictures!

It is still so weird for me to see myself pregnant! We looked at my before pictures tonight and I was speechless looking at the difference. And we are only halfway so I can only imagine how big I'm gonna get in 20 more weeks. I can't believe we are halfway, time has flown by! But on the flip side it also seems like July is never going to get here.

My appetite has definitely started to increase, Caleb noticed it first. He has gotten spoiled because he always gets all my leftovers and now he isn't liking the fact that I can almost clean my plate. I read now the baby is tasting everything I eat so what I eat now can determine what she will like in the future. So I better be eating my fruits and veggies I suppose or else I have no room to complain when she doesn't like them. I know one thing for sure she is going to like spicy food!

We found out this week that the renter at our townhouse is going to stay a lot longer so that was a huge relief. His lease is almost up and we were worried if we couldn't replace him immediately we would be stuck with two mortgages while I'm out of work with the baby. But so far everything has worked out.

We set our baby shower dates this week. So everyone put it on your calendars, of course invitations will get sent closer but unless something changes, May 22 I'll have my shower here in Charlotte and May 16 in Randleman with Calebs family and friends. I guess I better start working on my registries. We also planned one last beach trip for the two of us before the baby comes. So I'm really excited about that. I got a really cute maternity swimsuit to wear too!

We went to my in-laws for the weekend and we had a great time visiting with everyone. I always love seeing all my nieces and nephews. But I didn't sleep in my bed and I've suffered for a few days because of it. I woke up and wanted to cry my hips hurt so bad, I ended up sleeping sitting up most of the night. Between my hips and my back its been a long few nights but each night since has gotten better. Hopefully tonight will be completely back to normal. Well as normal as sleeping when you're pregnant can be. This being pregnant business isn't all its cracked up to be :) Lots of fun parts (I've really been enjoying feeling the baby moving this week) and lots of not so fun parts (Aches and Pains, Heartburn, etc).

Progress on the nursery this week: I'm putting a twin bed in there so we got a box spring and bed frame, now I just need to get the mattress. I have most of the bedding for the twin now. My crib bedding is almost done so I can't wait to see it. I'm trying to find the perfect curtain rods so I can get the curtains up next week also. We need to put one more coat of paint on the dresser and we need new knobs then that will be done. So we are getting there!

Thursday, February 18, 2010

She's a Wiggler!

Yesterday I finally felt lots of moving and kicking going on. I woke up and layed in bed not wanting to get up and she starting kicking really hard. Caleb said she must have been hungry and was telling me to get out of bed :) But then I was having to much fun feeling her I didn't want to get up. It's the neatest thing to be able to feel all her little movements now. I felt her some more after dinner then again after I did my workout she was very active. Accounting must put her to sleep because I didn't feel her much at work though, but who can blame her accounting could put anyone to sleep! I'm so excited, I can't wait for Caleb to be able to feel her too.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

19 Weeks!

As of yesterday I am 25 years old and 19 weeks pregnant!

Well we got more snow this weekend but luckily not enough to stop my dad from making it to my house! Caleb and my dad got the nursery painted in no time on Saturday. It looks great, I think the color turned out the perfect shade of yellow! I was a little worried we had some issues with the paint samples but it all worked out. Rachael and Hailey came to help too. Hailey is 8 months old so we put her on the floor with all of her toys while we tried to clean and sand all the walls in the bathroom so they can be painted one of these days! She kept crawling into the bathroom to see what we were doing though.

Sunday I did my workout with all the squatting and free weights and weird leg lifts, etc that Dr. Oz recommends during pregnancy. (Caleb makes fun of me because if Dr. Oz said it I believe it!) So after I did that I thought I would do some abs and layed down to do them and I felt the baby moving. I think she was saying what the heck is going on here you've been bouncing around like a crazy person. I'm very excited to start feeling her all the time. The few times I've been sure it was the baby I was laying down.

For the most part I've been feeling really good lately. I've had a few days here and there where I feel dizzy and light headed. And some days I have cramps from all the growing and stretching going on. But overall this trimester is much easier than the first. The first trimester was so rough I was wishing I was having twins so I would never have to be pregnant again!

Saturday we were laying on the couch and watching a movie. I was looking at how big my belly was getting and I saw/felt my belly button and said "Aaaaah, Caleb my belly button is turning inside out!" I used to have this tiny deep bellow button and now its shallow and wider. I can actually see all the little crevices now, lol. I think its going to be inside out completely pretty soon. It is so weird to see my body go through all of these changes. It's very strange for me to look in the mirror!

I took the day off for my birthday yesterday and Gran took me shopping for Maternity clothes. I finally couldn't wait any longer and it is so great to have some cute things that actually fit. Its not fun to squeeze into clothes that are too small but I guess even if you aren't pregnant you have probably learned that one already. We had to drive all over town to find maternity stores but really found some great things and had a lot of fun shopping. Most things we bought are for summer/spring though so I'm ready for winter to go away!

Off to pick up the in-laws from the airport!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

18 Week Belly Picture

I don't feel like I have changed as much in the last two weeks as I have been but here is the latest pictures!

So last night I had to laugh at myself because I got up in the middle of the night to eat. I was so hungry laying there and I kept trying to just fall back asleep but then I kept thinking what if the baby is hungry. So I finally got up and fixed a snack! Caleb asked what was wrong and I just started laughing. I had to tell him I felt guilty I might be starving the baby. Never have I felt so much like a fat kid as when I got up in the middle of the night and microwaved a snack!

Monday, February 8, 2010

18 Weeks! Almost Halfway!

I'm officially 18 weeks today, with 22 weeks to go! I read today that my uterus is the size of cantaloupe! And I believe it, my belly is hard all the way to my belly button now. This little girl is taking over my body, slowly but surely :) Actually not slowly, its amazing how fast it all happens and how your body can make a baby in just 40 weeks! This week, I have gotten quite a few comments from people along the lines of "poor Caleb is having a girl". It's so funny to me, even Caleb's family and friends are shocked to hear that he wanted a girl.

We went to Winterplace (in West Virginia) this weekend for a ski trip with some of Caleb's friends. Of course I couldn't ski so I was stuck in the condo all weekend. I planned on walking down to the lodge (driving was not an option we barely made it up the mountain in the first place) but with all the snow they got it wasn't safe for me to attempt. The snow in some places came almost to my knees. I think everyone had a good time though, I did get a little bored during the day though. I sat around and did things like paint my fingernails, which I never do! The 4Runner was STUCK when we tried to leave yesterday so after lots of shoveling snow all 4 guys pushed and I had to drive to finally get us out. Once we got down the mountain the highways were totally clear so it was a much easier to get home than it was to get there, we had to drive in the snow, rain and ice.

I try not to be a complainer but I have complained about lunch yet? I never thought deli meat was such a staple in my diet, but its nearly impossible to pack a lunch without it. I don't think I can eat another peanut butter sandwich. But I know its not healthy to eat out all the time and it's not good for my budget. So lunch is a huge challenge for me, I end up snacking most days til dinner time.

During the ultrasound, when the tech was pushing so hard on my stomach I thought I felt the baby so I was determined to try to feel her again. So I was laying in the bed the other night pushing and poking at my belly and I could swear she pushed back. I told Caleb and of course his first response is you probably have gas! But in the last few days I haven't felt it like I did those two times but I'm sure soon I'll feel her all the time. I think I'm most looking forward to this part when I'm sure what I'm feeling is the baby.

I have woken up two nights now with horrible pain in my hips! I hate this sleeping on my side business. Most of my weight is on my hips laying that way and I curl my legs up which both things are probably causing it, along with the fact that more of my weight now is in my middle. As soon as I straighten my legs it helps with most of the pain but I can't sleep with my legs straight unless I'm on my back which is a big no-no! Oh boy, here comes all of the pregnancy pains!

Well after work today, I'm heading to Lowe's to get paint samples. I narrowed it down to two shades of yellow. So I'm going to try to get Caleb to paint some small sections this week so by the weekend I can make a final decision and get the painting done in the nursery. I'm crossing my fingers my dad will be available to help this weekend. Anyone else interested in helping? The painting party will start bright and early Saturday morning. And early for us means after 10:00 am or whenever the dogs get up, whichever happens first.

I'll take my updated belly pictures tonight so hopefully I can post them tomorrow.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

It's a girl!!

So after all of the counting down, the big day finally got here for our ultrasound. I'm sure Caleb was excited for multiple reasons one of which being he didn't have to listen to me remind him how many more days left til we find out what we we're having. I had the ultrasound and then a doctor's appointment right afterwards so I had strict orders that I was to send a text message as soon as I found out and not to leave everyone waiting. Getting on the elevator going up Caleb realized as many girls in this family if we end up having a girl he is seriously going to be out numbered! So the lady starts the ultrasound and we immediately think its a boy but come to find out what we saw between the legs was just the umbilical cord. I guess there is a reason you have to have training for that job! At first she was 90% sure that it was a girl because she didn't see any little parts (her wording) between the legs so of course we had her keep searching! She was moving like crazy so we finally got a shot of her mooning us so then she was certain it was a girl we are having. Its so fun to say she and her now instead of calling her an it. I always hated saying it. Of course Caleb forgot to wear his contacts so he about broke his neck standing right under the screen trying to see everything. Its amazing how much you can see already especially compared to the last ultrasound. We could see every lil finger and toe (and LOTS of other bones too!). She is about 6 oz now and her heart rate is 154. Everything looked perfect and she is measuring right on track for July 12th! I really enjoyed the ultrasound and seeing the progress she is making so now I'm tempted to do the 3D ultrasound when I get further along (birthday present?). Surprisingly as big and round as I feel like I'm getting in the middle I haven't gained any weight this month, so my total is still under 3lbs. Does that mean I can have a Macado's brownie sundae, because that sounds amazing??!!!

Well we got almost 6 inches of snow at our house over the weekend. The dogs loved it, especially Diesel. If he wasn't outside playing in it he was sitting at the door crying (he alternated between the front and back door). The two of them would run and chase each other then get tired and just eat the snow. Caleb would throw snow balls in the air and they would try to catch them or fetch them and were thoroughly confused when they snowball busted in their face or they couldn't find the snowball among all the other snow! It was hilarious to watch. With the snow covering the deck though the two of them couldn't grasp the concept that they could make yellow snow in the yard but not on the deck so we kept having to scrap up the snow on the deck everytime they went to the bathroom! They might not be the brightest but they are my babies til this little girl makes her appearance! Luckily both Diesel and Bentley do amazing with babies and kids. Not so amazing with baby toys so we will have to figure out a solution to that one when the time comes!

Besides all of the playing we did in the snow, we actually got lots of projects done around the house while we were snowed in. We put another shelf in the baby's closet and redid all of the electrical in there (the outlets were all mismatched and tan). We put a dimmer that actually works so when I have to get up for all those middle of the night feedings I dont have to turn the bright lights on. I have a feeling that might be one of my favorite things about the nursery :) I am not a morning person so that part is going to kill me!

If you don't know this about me already, I'm a little overly organized & prepared, some might use the word anal lol. So forever ago I started this list of names I liked and just kept adding to it. I decided while we were snowed in I should separate the list into boys and girls so after the ultrasound it would be easier. Caleb had basically refused to talk about baby names until we knew the sex but when he saw how long the list was he gave in. He figured he better get some of this over with, we started with almost 400 names. We narrowed the boy names down and had agreed on our favorite (Mason Blake). So easy then we got to girls not so easy. We still have close to 10 names, none of which we LOVE yet. So that will be a challenge but luckily we still have a few more months to decide.

After all my appointments I went shopping with my mom and sister to pick out all of the fabric for the bedding and curtains in the baby's room. We went to this crazy warehouse in Gastonia called Mary Jo's. I have never seen so much fabric in my life. But after several hours we had made our final decisions and even had some extra fabric to make the changing table pad cover and lots of pillows! I'm having the bedding and curtains made but I'm going to make the changing pad and cover and attempt some pillows. We'll see how that goes! I'm so excited to see how everything turns out. Now I can pick out paint and put my dad and Caleb to work! Speaking of shopping, I have to tell on Gran because I thought it was so funny. I called her after I finally left the doctor and got on the road and she had already been to the knitting store to buy pink yarn and was on her way home to knit a blanket for her great granddaughter! She didn't waste any time when she got my text message. I'm so glad everyone is as excited about this baby as we are!

I'm realizing looking at how long my posts are getting that writing on here once a week might not be enough. I'm going to try to write more often so you don't have to read a whole book every week.